Is this holding you back from finding love after 50?

Can we get real here for a second about your dating life?

Here’s the deal . . . When I talk to single women, I ask them how their dating life is going.

The answer I get most often is that things really aren’t happening in their dating life.

I know that I too was frustrated many times over the course of my own dating journey because things seemed more difficult than I thought they should be.

Maybe for you too???

If you’re wondering why dating feels like you’re driving with one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas, wondering why you’re not meeting great guys to spend time with, I’d like to share something with you.

Yes, we both know that things like a great profile, knowing how to flirt and where to meet men are very important steps on the dating journey you’re taking.

But if I’m being honest with you, the REAL reason for your level of success or failure has to do with what’s going on internally . . . 

Most women believe if they just had the right body or lived in a particular city or had more men to choose from, the relationship would come.

I know, because I’ve been closely observing, teaching and championing unhappy single women over 50 for quite a while.

And because I’ve been there too . . .

Here’s what I’ve discovered: Your level of dating success isn’t really about your looks and your weight as much as it is about how you approach dating.

If you want to know the truth, it actually stems from your mindset . . . the fears and limiting beliefs you may have about yourself and the men you want to date.

I know, it’s not something most dating mentors talk about openly, but I have discovered that your mindset is the ONE single thing that determines one’s level of success or failure in dating.

When you have a healthy dating mindset, your results get transformed, often overnight, and this translates to big breakthroughs in the number of quality men who contact you how many dates you go on and ultimately getting the relationship you desire.

And that’s why I want to give you this simple tip you can start using right away to give your dating mindset a major jumpstart.

Here it is . . . what you focus on in your dating life is what will show up in your dating life.

If you think over 50’s dating is impossible, discouraging, or something you hate to do . . . this will show up for you as bad dates, the wrong men always contacting you and maybe even quitting your dream of being in another relationship.

Instead, you want to develop a positive mindset.

When I was dating mine used to be . . . I’m going to have fun meeting new and interesting men.

Guess who showed up?

Great men who were fun and interesting.

Were they all romantic possibilities?


But I sure had a lot of fun getting to know them and many became friends I could hang out with while I was looking for my guy.

Attracting my guy took having the right mindset to make it happen.

Which leads me to asking you if you know the pieces that are missing in your Dating Mindset that have been shutting down your ability to find love, the man and relationship you desire?

If you’re not sure or you don’t know . . . this is something we dive deeply into in my Love after 50 Group Coaching Program.

We talk about everything it takes to find love after 50 on our calls.

And one of the best things about the group is you get all the tools and support you need from a Love Coach and Dating Expert. (That means you don’t have to figure it all out on your own anymore. Wouldn’t that be a relief?)

Plus you become part of a community of women who are traveling the same path as you, who get what you’re going through and are there for you to hold your hand through the ups and downs of dating. (Your friends mean well but most don’t have answers for handling the different dating situations that come up.)

Here’s how Lesley found her guy thanks to the Love after 50 Group.  

Hi Lisa.  I’ve been meaning to get in touch with you.  I wanted you to know that I met the most wonderful man.  I never thought it would happen but thanks to you and your Love after 50 Coaching Group I learned how much your life can change if you come from a positive place versus a negative one.  As my confidence increased so did my willingness to take chances. What you taught me changed my life! May you always continue to help other women who feel like love will never happen again. Lesley, New Jersey

So here’s the scoop. You don’t have to figure out dating all on your own.

I took that route and let me tell you, it was a hard road to travel.

I struggled big time but you don’t have to.

I’d love to help you just like I helped Lesley find love after 50.

If you’re ready to take a chance in your life, then let’s talk.

Just tell me a little bit about what is happening in your dating life by clicking here.

If I think I can help you, I’ll send you a link to my calendar to set up a time for us to talk about how you too can find the right man for you.

I believe in your dreams of finding love after 50 and I want to show you how to make this happen in your life!

I can’t wait to talk to you.

Believing in You!


Your Next Steps to Love after 50. . . .

💞 Feeling like you are on a merry-go-round of mismatched dates? Lets press pause and talk about how we can write a new love story for you. Click here to start our conversation. Tell me your story – I am here to listen and guide you towards meeting someone truly special.

If you are still gearing up for that step, I have plenty of insights and inspiration for you:

1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for heartfelt dating wisdom and uplifting success stories from women who have been just where you are. They found love, and so can you. Click here to watch and learn.

2. Discover a new chapter in your dating life with my book, "The Winning Dating Formula." It is more than a book; it is your journey to love mapped out. And it is just a click away on Amazon. Click here and start attracting the love you deserve.

3. Join our Finding Love after 50 Facebook group to find camaraderie and connection. It is a warm and welcoming space to share your journey and receive support every step of the way. Click here to become part of our community.

4. On the lookout for a dating site that resonates with you? Browse through my personal selection of the best dating sites tailor-made for fabulous over 50s. Click here and say goodbye to guesswork.

Let these resources be your steppingstones to a love life filled with promise and joy. When you are ready, I am here to take that journey with you. Together, lets find your Mr. Right! 🌹

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