5 Tips To Avoid Getting “Catfished” Online


thoughtful-girl-looks-out-from-the-laptop-288x300Women over 50 can feel quite vulnerable when it comes to dating online.  Now with the story of Manti Te’o’s imaginary romance appearing all over the news, women are worried about getting catfished.

What is “catfishing?” It’s when someone uses a false identity to create an online relationship that deceives another person’s heart and possibly pocket book.

So, if it could happen to this Notre Dame football star, what’s keeping it from happening to you?

I’d like to share with you these 5 tips for identifying catfishers and how to protect your heart from these online scammers.


Tip #1 – Date Closer to Home

Choose men who live within a two-hour drive of your home.  This is a manageable amount of driving time and leaves no excuses for not being able to meet right away.


Tip #2 – Meet Him Sooner Rather Than Later

It’s very easy to get pulled into an email and phone relationship.  Technology creates a false sense of intimacy and many men and women reveal far too much information about themselves at this stage.

Hearing his voice on the phone or seeing the beautiful poems and thoughts he writes you daily creates an imaginary sense of who this person is.  You start falling in love with the picture of him you’ve painted in your mind.  This image may or may not be the real person.

You’ll want to meet a new man as soon as you can to see if that picture you’ve created in your mind actually matches who he really is.


Tip #3 – Remember That Anyone Can Create Online Profiles

Remember how quickly you set up your account at an online dating site? It really only takes an email address and maybe a credit card. Someone who wants to catfish can create 10 profiles in just a few minutes using pictures that aren’t their own and words that attempt to draw you in.

Think of the dating profiles you come across as store windows. The display might look nice, but you have to go in the store and explore a little more before you buy.


Tip #4 – Excuses To Not Meet Are A Huge Red Flag

If someone is really interested in you, they are going to want to meet you quickly to see if there’s a spark between the two of you.

One excuse, whether it’s “I’m sick,” or “I have a huge project due soon,” is fine.  Beyond one excuse for not meeting, you are dealing with someone who may not be the person they say they are.

This is a HUGE RED FLAG.  Don’t let his beautiful poems and romantic thoughts keep you from seeing this.


Tip #5 – If He Asks You For Money, Run!

People who want to scam you usually play with your heart.  They figure out what makes your heart sing and use this information to create a false relationship with you.

These scammers often live on another continent and act as if they are in a situation that keeps them from getting access to their finances to come see you.

Or they tell you their child is sick, they have no access to their money and they really need your help.  Women, especially, can be touched by this and have a hard time saying no.  It’s only a matter of time before they ask you to wire money and many women do.

DON’T.  If anyone asks you for money before meeting you, they are scamming you.  End the email/phone relationship immediately and alert the dating site so they can block him from the site.


We all want a heart connection with a man.  Yet, it’s the heart connection that makes us so vulnerable to the catfishers out there.

Use your common sense and these tips I’ve shared with you, and if you still aren’t sure about a situation with a man, share your story with a trusted friend.  They aren’t emotionally attached so they can offer you balanced advice on whether this person sounds like the real deal.

I’d love to hear your tips on staying safe in the comments.

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

  1. There is a quick and easy way to see if a profile photo has been “borrowed.” Following the steps below will bring back any other websites where the image is found.

    If using the Firefox browser, right-click on the photo, Copy Link Location, then paste it into the Google Image Search box. There’s a little camera icon in the search box that you need to click in first.

    If using Internet Explorer, right-click on the photo, open Properties, then copy the URL. Use Google the same as above to search the image.

  2. I continue to be impressed with the top quality information that you publish weekly Lisa. I think this particular blog is especially important (and well written).

    Besides using this information myself, I’m also a Psychotherapist and have recommended you to a number of my patients and friends. These women are either venturing out into the dating world for the first time after years of being married or are women who have been dating for years, are frustrated by their experiences, and need a refresher course as they continue to look for love after 50. (Yes it’s a whole lot different at this age and with internet dating being the choice for most people.)

    I look forward to your next bit of advice. Thanks for keeping it real and giving us the valuable info we need!

    • Thank you so much. Please let me know if there are any topics you’d like more information on.

  3. all of this is very true and i have to say i run real fast from this man. a man should have is own money.and i like the sound of a mans voice. it tells me a lot.

    • Yes, Yolanda so true.
      The problem is a man can have a great voice and be the biggest con artist around playing on a woman’s emotions.
      Always listen to what he says to you and if it sounds really romantic, too good to be true and he can’t meet……its a HUGE RED FLAG waving in the wind.

  4. This is excellent advice!

  5. Lisa gives excellent advice. She got me dating again… never thought it would happen. A BIG thanx to you, Lisa

    • Jane, So glad to see you happy! I’m glad you were able to use the dating tools I gave you to get out there and have fun dating again. You are so very welcome.

  6. Dear liza thank you so much for useful 5 tips you have sent me. I found it so important for me know. In addrion, i am strong believe that those ideas will help me lots to prevent from any scammers on my jurny of searching. So far i have met a few guys on skype and i reflected to what you said. They all are in that cas. Thanks once again for these good tips.
    God Bless You,

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