To Wear Heels or Not To Wear Heels on Dates???


I first started dating when I was in my mid 40’s.

Back then; I was dressing like a suburban mom who sits in the stands watching her kids play sports.

My outfits consisted of jeans and black t-shirts.

They came from expensive stores so I thought I was the bomb.

To top my gorgeous outfit off, I wore Birkenstocks type sandals on my feet from Lands End.

And I got to chose from 3 colors….black, beige and navy.

What can I say; they were cheaper than the real Birkenstocks so I splurged.

Yes, I was a real fashion maven back then.


When I was ready to date, I’d tear through my closet looking for something to wear.

I’d try on every black t-shirt I owned with my jeans and fake Birkenstocks and not one said I feel like a sexy woman excited to date.

I wasn’t getting a lot of second dates back then and I’m sure my clothes weren’t exactly helping!

It took me into my early 50’s to figure out you really want to go on a date feeling girly as in feeling soft and feminine.

Want to know what part of your outfit will make you feel the most girly?


No worries, you don’t need the 6-inch variety to make you feel girly.

2-2½ inch heels can make a big difference in how you feel.

Heels give off a totally different vibe in the way you walk and move than athletic shoes, Uggs or even some flats do.

And men love heels on women.

They think heels make you look sexy!

Let me share a quick story with you about what I mean by all of this.

A private client of mine sent me her profile pictures.

She was wearing a slightly different version of my Mom outfit…jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt and cowboy boots.

She told me guys weren’t noticing her online.

Remember you have all of 10 seconds to grab a guy’s attention with your picture before he moves on to someone else.

This is why it’s so important you show the best you possible in any picture you post.

(Click this link to learn more about exactly what does attract quality men to your pictures and profile)

My client and I worked closely together to boost her inner confidence by helping her get back in touch with how awesome she really was.

And then something cool happened.

Her outside look began changing, as she felt better about who she was on the inside.

She restyled her hair, went to a makeup counter and tried new makeup.

She bought clothes like dresses, skirts, and heels that reflected her feminine side for the first time ever.

She also had new pictures taken and men were jumping hoops to meet her.

Huge difference from the first pictures I saw because she was feeling great about herself on the inside and the changes she made on her appearance reflected that!

I love helping women get in touch with their true feminine selves and I’ve found the quickest way to make this happen is working 1 on 1 with me.

You can apply for a complimentary session to chat with me if you’d like to know how coaching can bring out the best you!

Ok, so back to the original question…do you have to wear heels for a date?

No but men do like it.

What you do have to do is this….. you want to feel great inside about who you are or nothing you wear will ever feel right.

Get your Inner Sexy on than wear clothes that reflect both the Inner and Outer Beautiful Sexy YOU.

When you feel girly, you come across from that softer side of you.

And as a result, like my private client experienced, men will jump hoops so they can meet you too!

Love to hear what you think about heels and creating your inner beauty.

Just click the button below and let me know your thoughts.

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

  1. Just read your details about heels. I wear stilettos 90% of the time, except for working out. ha ha. I believe what you say about men liking heels is true, but some get so creepy with the comments they make. Nontheless, won’t make me stop wearing them, because I do that for myself.

    • I’m sorry Jo that you’ve had to experience creepy comments. Make sure you’re hanging out in places where quality men are. Big hugs~

  2. I think that you should wear dressy shoes you feel comfortable in. If you don’t ever wear heels, and then put a pair on for a date, you might not walk very well in them. And if you never, ever, wear heels,and then do so for a first date to make a favorable impression, I think you are doing everyone a disservice because you are not being true to who you really are.
    I am not saying to wear gym shoes, but there are many many beautiful sandals (with a pedicure and polished toes).
    I know many men love high heels. But, it that is not you….

    • Totally agree Debbie. Wear what makes you feel beautiful and sexy inside. And yes, sandals can do that too! Big hugs~

  3. I love wearing high heels. So much that I wear them at any and every opportunity. After getting divorced, I wanted to change my entire image. One of the things on the list was adding heels and lots of them to my wardrobe.

    • You got your sexy mojo on Ronnie. Kudos to you. Big hugs~

  4. I m about 5’4″ – 5′. I seem to date some guys 5’7″ to 5’9″…I would love to eear heels, not stick to flats to allow them their height comfortably…what is the highest heel you think I cpuld get away with?

    • Sherry…wear whatever makes you feel good. That’s the secret. Big hugs~

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