Success Stories
Where Possibility Becomes Reality
I met the guy who is perfect for me!
Wonderful news to share. Thanks to your Fun Path to Mr. Right program, I gained the clarity, confidence and positive attitude I needed to find a quality man. After 18 months on Match and only one month after signing up to do the Fun Path to Mr. Right, I met the guy who is perfect for me.
I can’t say enough good things about your program. It was the best investment I ever made. It truly was instrumental in boosting my confidence and improving my dating skills. I did every exercise in The Fun Path and was amazed at how my Check lists lined up with my new Love. We are a match made in heaven. Thank you Lisa!
P.S. Lisa, just wanted to let you know, I am getting married in May! Thank you so much for giving me hope and there tools I needed to find love again.
Lisa, Thank You For Providing The Encouragement I Need To Date Again After 10 Years
Dear Lisa: 10 years is a long time to heal from marital heartbreak but when I finally decided recently that the moment had come to dip a toe in the post-60 dating world, I joined your Fun Path To Mr. Right Mentorship Group. I’m following all the steps and find your guidance authentic and honest . . . such as letting go of unrealistic expectations about “instant chemistry.” I’m at the beginning of this process but am keeping an open mind and heart, and enjoying the ride. Thanks for providing just the encouragement I need!
You helped me make my DREAM COME TRUE!
Lisa, I’m so glad I worked with you. Your program made me focus on this dream. Helped me become more confident as well as get my QMT done so I could identify my guy. Your support through the process of dating and being in a relationship with my guy has been so helpful. Seriously, your coaching program is a great investment. You are a Godsend to us older women. Thanks again!
I’m Getting MARRIED!!!!!
Before working with you in your Love after 50 Group Coaching Program, I found I was always attracting the wrong type of men who never wanted to commit to a relationship. The coaching call topics you brought up on our calls made me realize what I needed to focus on more to get what I want, a good committed man in my life. I start working on myself more in a more positive way and began looking at dating and life in a differently. I even got out of my comfort zone and went to a meetup by myself thanks to the flirting skills you taught me and that’s where I met a great man. We started as friends but as I got to know him, I found he was a caring man who shared my values and had the biggest loving heart. And most importantly, he fit everything on my Quality Man Template. I’ve met the love of my life and we are getting married. I could never have done this so easily without your support. Thank you so much for helping me change my life!!!!
My New Guy is Amazing!
Lisa, The Quality Man Template we created together in my VIP Experience is like magic. Thanks to this tool, I met the best man! And when I made the decision to continue working with you as a private client, you helped me learn to be myself and to focus on what’s important to me. And now I have what I wanted. My new guy is amazing!!!!! You are so good at what you do and honestly, one of the best investments I’ve made in my life. I never could have gotten where I am today on my own. You are a great coach and I am life proof that what you do works. I am so thankful to you Lisa!
I feel infinitely more equipped to date smarter and better thanks to Lisa!
“When you’re over 50, you think you know and have seen it all. But navigating the dating world at this stage in life is no easier than when I was younger. Having worked with Lisa—one-on-one, as well as with The Fun Path Program—makes me feel infinitely more equipped to date smarter and better. I’ve learned so much about how I kept tripping myself up. It was like being in therapy on speed! I would give Lisa as a gift to all my newly-divorced friends so that they get it right from the start. Lisa is a warm, compassionate, and very savvy woman. She makes you feel as if you’re partnering with a dear and cherished friend—safe enough to be as dumb as you feel you may be. The financial investment felt steep, but in retrospect, it would have been a bargain at twice the cost. Can’t wait to tell Lisa about the fabulous new men in my life.”
P.S. I met a really great guy. He’s thoughtful and smart and tells me he loves that he can talk with me about everything. He said he’s a bit scared that he feels so comfortable so fast. He’s a great guy and I’m having fun. The Quality Man Template you had me write told the universe precisely what I want and bam! He appeared. You were so incredibly helpful, Lisa. Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it!
Found my guy and I’m 60
Ladies, there are good guys out there. I found the best!!! It’s official, Steve and I now have a home together. BTW . . . you can find love in your 60’s. I did with an amazing man who loves, adores and cherishes me!!!!! Biggest thanks to Lisa Copeland for her amazing guidance in her Love after 50 Group!
Thank you Lisa for showing me I could have love after 50 my way!
I’ve never written a testimonial in my life but I just wanted to say thank you Lisa for helping me get clearer on what I want my love life to look like. In the past, I never thought I would be happy being in a relationship without living with someone but I am doing it now and loving it. I’m in a wonderful relationship with the best man and together we have the freedom to enjoy each other yet both of us have lives of our own as well. I love that you taught me I have choices and it doesn’t have to be marriage or nothing. I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time. You opened my eyes to not be afraid of being over 50 and finding love. Thank you 🙂
Your VIP Program is PRICELESS!
Lisa, the valuable insight you share has opened my eyes to staying empowered (by following my Values & Qualities. Recognizing Warning Signs & Red Flags and Deal Breakers). From your vast knowledge, I learned about “me” and why my relationships failed. Each day reminding myself how to connect to the right man making him my “hero” for a long lasting relationship. I am so thankful I opted for the VIP Program. What you & the program has done for me is priceless. Thank you!
Working With Lisa Was The Best Emotional and Financial Investment in Myself and My Love Life
I’ve always invested in myself when it came to business and doing so always put me ahead in the game. I’d never thought to do this in my personal life when it came to dating. But…I’m glad I did. It’s been the best emotional and financial investment in myself I could have made. Its made my life with men far more fun and so much easier. I am having a great time dating quality men. Thank you Lisa.