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Hi Lisa,

I wanted to let you know that thanks to your excellent training in the Love after 50 Group, and my genuine desire to be in a committed relationship, I have met a wonderful man and we are madly in love with one another!!!

We have been exclusive for about 9 months now and going strong.  I used the information from your group to help me evaluate whether this relationship was a good fit for me.  The funny thing is that on our first date I wasn’t really that interested in him but I remembered what you said about giving it a chance and to have an open mind.

Boy am I glad I did because as it turns out he is the perfect man for me and we are very compatible on a love, friendship and physical level.  I am amazed at how I was able to attract a man who fit my description/desires from my Quality Man Template to a tee!

I have to say that my life was pretty good before but it’s even better now with a loving partner to share everyday with.  Thanks again for your wonderful training and insights.  Please feel free to share my story as I’m sure it will be inspiring to my sisters seeking their perfect mates.


Pat, California

Wish I’d Have Found You Sooner

Hi Lisa . . . Just wanted to send a quick thank you for the Love after 50 Group Coaching call last night! I loved it! Especially found the reframing so helpful! And wow! You’re amazing! I love how uplifting and encouraging your calls are regardless of where you are in the process or your life. I’m so grateful to have found you… only wishing that my journey would have led me to you sooner 🙂

Rhonda, Ohio

My Guy Is Amazing! Wouldn’t have seen him before working with You!!!!!

Lisa, I wanted to share with you just how happy I am. What a difference a year makes. Thanks to you and your amazing coaching program, Jim and I met on Bumble at the height of the COVID pandemic. We have now been together for almost 2 years.

I am so grateful! Our relationship has grown and evolved without any of the major obstacles or chaotic drama of my prior relationships. Jim and I returned from our first week-long vacation only a few weeks ago. I can honestly say that I am happier now than I’ve ever been in my life.

There are so many reasons I credit you and your coaching program as the only way I was able to find relationship happiness. But there are two key lessons that really made all the difference for me.

First, your emphasis on creating a positive attitude and having fun has been such an important lesson for me. Looking back, I placed unreasonably high expectations on all my first dates and I wasn’t open to simply meeting new male friends and having wonderful experiences with them.

The second and most powerful lesson for me was creating and constantly following my Quality Man Template (QMT). I continue to use it today and I always will. My emotional guidance system paragraph contains affirmations which I love to reread frequently. Additionally, the personal list of values and qualities which are the foundation to my QMT have become guiding principles in all aspects of my life.

When I first met Jim, I quickly discovered that the reason I felt so comfortable and at ease with him was because we shared the same values and qualities.

I truly can’t thank you enough, Lisa! You are a phenomenal relationship dream-maker. Always, always be grateful to you.

Rhonda, Cincinnati

If it wasn’t for Lisa’s program, I’d have passed up my guy

I am happy to report I met a great guy. I truly believe I am falling in love (I have never felt this way about someone before, not even my ex-husband when we were in the good years), and that we are exclusive and leading into intimacy together.

I feel like a teenager! (A friend told me I look giddy!)

I cannot believe how great this feels!. It’s hard to believe but I ALMOST PASSED HIM BY on Match because I didn’t think he was my type! What I would have missed if I hadn’t had a Quality Man Template! The Dating Strategies I learned from you helped me see how great he is. Thank you!!!!

Lisa, Minnesota

This Fun Path Class Helped Me See What I Want In A Man

I just listened to the Confidence Class in The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program.  The exercises you recommended are right-on! They make you really think about yourself (who you are as a person and what you want from a man in a relationship).  After doing this class, I feel so positive and confident about myself.  Thank you!  

Diane, Ohio

Nora Now Enjoys Meeting Great Guys

Working with Lisa I discovered that being feminine is no longer a nauseating weakness in my mind, but an attribute and a strength.  I learned there really are nice guys out there! And I moved from being cynical and distrusting of most men to someone who screens for, meets and enjoys great guys.

Now when I went I go out to meet a guy, I no longer worry about silly things. I guess you could say, I’m comfortable in my own skin.  Thank you Lisa


Nora, Florida