Curious about the results in store when you work with Lisa?
Read these Success Stories and get inspired…



Thank You Lisa For Giving Me The Tools I Need To Be Successful In This New Dating World

I contacted Lisa @ findingaqualityman to give me some direction in the over 50’s dating world. I didn’t know much about dating, as I had been married to my childhood sweetheart and never dated anyone else. Taking part in Lisa’s sessions has educated and inspired me to feel good about myself and to love who I am and she gave lots of information as to how a man thinks. Thank you, Lisa, for giving me some of the tools I need to be successful in this new dating world.   


My Mom Found Love With A Great Guy!

My name is Elena. My dad passed 6 years ago. He and my mom were high school sweethearts and were married for 34 years. My mom was devastated by the loss of my dad and she never thought she could date again. Lisa helped my mom by giving her a step by step plan that gave her the confidence, the dating strategies and the support she needed to go out in the dating world. A year ago she met a wonderful man who is also a widower and I haven’t seen my mom this happy since before my dad passed. Lisa was able to help and guide my mom through the scary world of dating and she is the happiest I have seen in years!!!

Elena, Ohio

Found the Man of My Dreams Faster Than I Ever Thought Possible

I am so grateful to have found Lisa Copeland and the Love After 50 program. The insights I learned about how men think and what they are looking for has helped me to find the man of my dreams so much faster than I thought possible! We have been dating exclusively for over 6 months now, and have definitely fallen in love with one another! I am so grateful to have written the Quality Man Template, which was the key tool to helping me realize that this man is the one I have been looking for all my life. Thank you, Lisa Copeland, for all you have taught me! Hugs and kisses and best wishes to you!

Lisa, Minnesota

I now know who I want in my life and why

I am very thankful and grateful that LISA COPELAND and her group program came into my life.  I was feeling very depressed after my long-term relationship  ended and scared  to start dating.  Lisa shares her vast knowledge of attracting and understanding men, and best of all – she makes it FUN!  I have a notebook filled with pages that remind me how much she has taught me, and I review those pages often on my journey for finding love.  I am determined to find the guy who is right for me, and now after working with her creating my Quality Man Template, I know better who I want in my life and why.  She also understands the importance of support, and I am lucky to be part of her group of ladies who provide encouragement to each other.  Thank you, Lisa!

P.S.  A year later: Hi Lisa . . . Just thought I’d let you know that I’m a success story!  I got what I wanted – online dating worked for me!  On July 15th, I married the most wonderful man!

Sheila, Ohio

Met My Guy Thanks To You Lisa

Hi Lisa….Delighted to report I finally found my good guy, and yes, online! Loves me for who I am and who I am not, and is enthusiastic about BOTH. Love you and thank you for helping me rediscover me! And for showing me how to find the love I deserve! Love and hugs-

LeAnne, New York


I’m happy to share that by following all of Lisa’s advice and using her tools, I am confidently meeting high quality men and having fun in the process. She helped me learn how to be comfortable being myself and sharing my heart without worrying about changing to be successful in dating. Having my quality men template helps put me in a great mindset and know that I am the prize. Everything is much more fun now! Thank you Lisa for making this journey fun and so much easier.


Lisa, Colorado