Curious about the results in store when you work with Lisa? Read these Success Stories and get inspired…


 Thanks to working with Lisa, I’m now having fun meeting men and dating!

Before I chatted with Lisa, I did not have a clue as to what dating over 50 was about.  I’m an independent 64 year old woman from the generation of women who never dated. I found myself continually frustrated as I’m a strong smart attractive woman. Lisa showed me a way to be myself and date. Now I’m having fun meeting men and dating.  

From the moment we chatted, we connected. Lisa is very helpful as she listens to what you have to say, and then addresses those subjects. 

​I’ve always been a very confident woman, who thought I would never have any fun dating. Now after working with Lisa, I have a clearer picture of what I am looking for in a man and in a relationship. I have the tools to ​work with. Thank You Lisa, Love Ya !

Ruth, Seattle

I Wouldn’t Have Gotten The Guy Without Lisa’s Guidance And Support

After working with Lisa I am happy to say that I am now in a relationship with a lovely man, and I know that this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Lisa’s guidance and support!! She really helped me to discover and celebrate how amazing I am, and my confidence has sky rocketed as a result. She provided valuable content each week, and guided and supported me through some challenging aspects of online dating. Without Lisa coaching me, I know that one dating experience in particular would have put me off dating for a considerable time. But Lisa helped me to reframe and learn from the experience. I also had a hard time letting go of the relationship with my ex boyfriend and she helped me see how I was sabotaging myself and my future happiness. Within one session, I had let go of that relationship and was able to focus fully on the new man in my life.

I have fully embraced Lisa’s philosophy of Dating to Date, and I am having a ball. Thank you so much Lisa, I have so loved working with you. I would definitely recommend you to anyone who is looking to Find A Quality Man, and will be in touch as and when I want further coaching in the future.

Maxine Hargreaves, EnglandUK.

Lisa’s Showed Me How To Finally Have Fun Dating

When I started dating after my divorce, I must admit I was looking for my next husband. Lisa’s approach was fabulous at helping me redirect my focus from mating to dating. After this simple change of focus, the floodgates opened up and I had more dates than I knew what to do with. I was having so much fun and when I least expected it, a great man came into my life! Thank you for all of your support and the helpful strategies that were easy to implement.


Love Really Can Come Around Again
I’m still using your tools, techniques and advice in my new relationship. It makes such a difference having you “in my head” when the little voice of “doom and gloom” or doubt rears its ugly head. You are a godsend to those of us starting over in our middle years. Love really does come around again. I’m living proof and I couldn’t be happier. I feel and believe I’ve met my true love and it never would’ve happened without your support and guidance helping me navigate my personal roadblocks and fears. Big hugs Lisa


Marie, LA

Everyone Has Dating Ruts. Lisa Helps You Get Out Of Them

My dating needed a JUMPSTART and every single point of yours was like having a loving friend or soul sister understanding me and speaking in a way that got me reinspired! Your words were just what I needed to hear. Starting with I am not alone. Everyone has ruts. 🙂 Thank-you!

Linda R.

Lisa Showed Me How To Trust Myself And Men Again

When we began I was still reeling from my divorce with obvious scars of psychological abuse and the bitterness that goes along with them. You said I could do this and there were good men out there and I decided to trust your word. I went from being impatient, almost desperate to get the next guy so I could stop this online dating to finding it a fun and exciting opportunity to meet great men and make friends!  Couldn’t have done it without you Lisa. Thank you!

Lory, Florida