Curious about the results in store when you work with Lisa? Read these Success Stories and get inspired…
Your VIP Program is PRICELESS!
Lisa, the valuable insight you share has opened my eyes to staying empowered (by following my Values & Qualities. Recognizing Warning Signs & Red Flags and Deal Breakers). From your vast knowledge, I learned about “me” and why my relationships failed. Each day reminding myself how to connect to the right man making him my “hero” for a long lasting relationship. I am so thankful I opted for the VIP Program. What you & the program has done for me is priceless. Thank you!
I Never Would Have Recognized My Guy If I hadn’t Worked With You
Lisa , So I’ve been seeing someone for the last 2 months and it’s pretty serious.
Believe it or not.. he fits everything in my Quality Man Template. I actually shared it with him and after reading it together, we both feel like we were kinda made for each other. Lots of crazy things in common (personality, values and interests). Everything just fits.
I reference the work we did often and there’s no doubt in my mind, I would never have recognized Bill had I not done a VIP Experience with you about understanding men and getting a clear vision of the right man for me!
By the way, he’s amazing and would literally do anything for me (and I usually let him!)
Lisa Will Prepare You For The Journey Ahead
Lisa is an excellent coach. She covers the practical and the deeper emotional aspects of dating after 50. She also emphasizes the inner life of men, which is definitely needed in forging forward. Lisa on a personal level is warm, intelligent and positive.Her willingness to disclose about her own struggles is also very informative. If you work with Lisa in any capacity consider yourself lucky and well prepared for the journey ahead.
Talking With Men Is Easy For Me Now
Working with Lisa in her Love after 50 Coaching group, I’ve learned how to talk with men without being fearful! I’ve been using the 4 magic words you gave me to get the cooperation of men and it works! (Lisa, you’re brilliant!!)
Met My Guy Thanks To You Lisa
Hi Lisa….Delighted to report I finally found my good guy, and yes, online! Loves me for who I am and who I am not, and is enthusiastic about BOTH. Love you and thank you for helping me rediscover me! And for showing me how to find the love I deserve! Love and hugs-
Finally, having fun dating!
I have been quoting all I’ve learned from The Fun Path To Mr. Right Program to other women. Even my mother! You make such sense and share your wisdom in the most digestible way. As a result, I’ve given this very thoughtful man a chance and while he’s “not my usual type”, I’m having fun getting to know him. I’m not going to screw it up cause of all you’ve taught me. You rock, Lisa!