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I was skeptical if coaching would help me. It did and it can for you too!


I was skeptical at first, but a friend recommended Lisa’s program and said what a difference it had made in the life of her friend that had signed up for coaching.  Over the course of the group and individual sessions, I learned a lot about myself and the men I had been drawn to and got the tools and the attitude adjustment I needed to attract and enjoy a different kind of man.

Lisa is a combination therapist, guru, and tour guide in this crazy world of dating in our later years. Her  input on my profile was also very valuable with suggestions for improvements at the time.  I think the most important lessons I got from her coaching were in how to set my parameters for the ideal man, how to identify the characteristics of the ones that weren’t so good,  and how to expand my horizons to become open to different sorts of men.

I dated a couple really nice guys – who I wouldn’t have considered before – and then found a guy that absolutely cherishes me and with whom I am compatible on every level.  Jim and I have been together over a year now, have travelled across the country and are making plans to go to Maine next summer.  When I came across my “Quality Man Template” a few months after we started dating, I realized he checked every box. Don’t give up hope – there ARE nice guys out there.  I believe Lisa can help you become open to finding them.

Kate, Ohio

I’m in a NEW RELATIONSHIP Thanks to Lisa’s Program

I struggled with the fear of not being good enough, and especially when I experience joy in a relationship. Lisa knew this about me. I grew a lot with Lisa and her Group Program. And, I continue to work on me. I have learned to set boundaries and let go of relationships that are not good for me for I am worthy of the love I desire. I am in a new relationship now. I am being real! If it works out, he will fall in love with the real Martha who is enough! Thank you Lisa!!

Martha, S.C.

Dating Over 50 is FUN Thanks To Working With Lisa


My work with Lisa has helped me reconnect with the FUN of dating!  I’ve learned invaluable skills,  I am feeling so much more confident and I am now meeting interesting men I like spending time with. Thank you Lisa

Mary, Milwaulkee

Hi just to let you know that I have found a partner…I don’t have to look anymore…thanks for all the tips…Dianne

Dianne, Ontario

After My First Session With Lisa, My Confidence Totally Skyrocketed!

So often when we are thinking of dating, we automatically write ourselves off and assume men won’t be attracted to us. But after one of our first coaching sessions where I really took a good look at my positive qualities, by the end of it, I was thinking, my God, why wouldn’t a man want to go out with me, I’m amazing!! It’s that change of mindset that really helped me get ready to date again. Thank you Lisa.

Ellen, ManchesterUnited Kingdom

Finally Cracked The Code For Online Dating Thanks To Understanding Men 101

Purchased “Understanding Men 101.” Even though I have spent my entire professional life working around men, I couldn’t crack the code for online dating and that segment alone was worth it.  Changed my profile, made a few other tweaks and the difference has been night and day, within 24 hours. Well done!

Elaine, Arizona