1. April 11, 2013 at 5:44 pm


    I was married to a beta man for 17 years and thought I’d go out of my mind being in charge of him along with the 3 kids. I dated many other beta men too thinking that’s what I needed as a strong, independent alpha female, but I was miserable always feeing so masculine. I finally found a man almost four years ago who is the epitome of alpha masculine male; the attraction is amazing but we broke up 8 times including calling off two weddings due to butting our alpha heads. The last breakup almost killed both of us; it lasted 9 months. I spent the time listening to Pat Allen, Evan Mark Katz, Ariel, and others talk about how an alpha woman can control that if she wants to be with an alpha male, and so far I think I’m doing well with it. I have my man back, and we talk about this issue a lot and joke about it especially when my alpha side tries to dominate him and I take a step back and try a different more feminine approach which works wonders on him. He, in turn, loves to please me. I love my alpha man and would never want to be with a beta again.

  2. April 11, 2013 at 10:24 am


    What a bunch of sexist garbage!!! If that’s what a smart, powerful, successful woman has to do to “land” a man, she’s better off not being married! And it’s complete B.S. anyways! Any mature man worth marrying should be confident enough to embrace the traits of a woman like Katie Couric. And what does Patti Stanger know? She’s over 50, never been married, famous for being a brazen, controversial reality show “star,” and she’s engaged to a total loser. I sure want advice on relationships from her!

    1. April 11, 2013 at 10:41 am


      What most women don’t realize is the power their femininity has over men. This is not the kind where you lay down and be a doormat to what a man wants. That’s giving up your power.

      This is about learning to let a man give to a woman and for a woman to graciously receive it. By the way, these roles can be turned around where the man is the receiver and the woman the giver. Thanks for your insights….Lots of hugs~Lisa

  3. April 11, 2013 at 9:06 am


    I read this and two couples that readily comes to mind as alpha-women, and beta-males are Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham, Tina Turner and Erwin Bach.

    1. April 11, 2013 at 10:37 am


      Great examples. If you look around at friends who have good relationships, one will take the alpha lead and the other the beta. It can switch back forth in a relationship based on who does what best but usually one will overall be more Alpha then the other. So appreciate you sharing this with us Axliuno. Hugs ~ Lisa

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