Dear Lisa…I’m so lonely-Help!!!!!!


Dear LisaBefore we get into today’s blog, I have a question for you…

Are there times you wish you could get answers to some of your biggest dating challenges?

If so, I have something that is going to help you big time on your dating journey and it’s totally free!

I’ve created a new Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio called…Finding Love The Second Time Around.

During the show, you’ll be able to call in and get those important questions answered.

Would that be helpful to you?

If so…mark your calendar and join me tomorrow at 5p.m. EDT/2 p.m. PDT.

 You’ll want to use this link to hear the show….. and this number to call in with your questions. 646-716-7979

Can’t wait to talk to you!

Now, on to today’s blog…..


Dear Lisa,   

Steve and I grew up in the same neighborhood 50 years ago.  We liked each other but never connected.  Sept. 2017 we saw one another at our 50th High School reunion.  The excitement led to dates/time together. He raised a family w/strict values.  I raised my family as a single mom to think outside the box. He’s been divorced 15 yrs and I; 10 yrs. Divorce was his wife’s idea.  Even though there is no love between them, they continue to do family dinners, holidays, birthday’s family trips BECAUSE their children want it that way.  The children are 46, 43, 41 28 all adults. It does not feel right to me but I have had several failed marriages. Please Lisa help me see the ‘Big Picture’. Thanks Irene



Although it’s rare, there are ex’s that still do holidays, birthdays etc. together

If he includes you, and you feel comfortable hanging with his ex, then you have nothing to worry about.

Just go to the events you feel good about attending.

But if he doesn’t include you or your family especially for holidays, this could be a problem.

You’re going to feel lonely on those days and over time; you’ll resent him for making his ex a higher priority than you.

Talk with him about how you will fit into these events in the future.

This way, you can make a decision that honors you when they come up.


Dear Lisa

I am not feeling very confident about dating having gone through a sad relationship which I thought was more than it really was and now it’s over. I’m carrying a lot of negative baggage regarding my appearance and what I can offer someone. I really don’t have friends and am now retired and find myself doing nothing productive. I’m trying to work on me but I find it so difficult and wonder if at 68 years old if I should just resign myself to forever being alone. I chose a career over everything else and never married. Now that my career has ended, I don’t know how to start a different life. I’ve never felt so alone. I’d appreciate your suggestions. Maria



You do need both confidence in yourself and a passion for life before going out into the world to date.

Men love these qualities in women.

But you’re not alone feeling like they are missing.

Most women I work with tell me their dating confidence is a 2-3 at best when we start working together.

Yet after our first session, it usually goes to a 9 or 10 once they know how to reconnect to how awesome they really are.

As for girlfriends….So important to have them in your life!

You can get started by checking out for activities you love or you can take a class at your community college or rec center.

I made lots of new single friends when I took a painting class years ago.

It’s never to late to find love but you want to recognize that what you focus on is what is going to show up in your life.

 If you believe you’ve lost your chance at love, that’s exactly what will show up for you.

Here’s what holds most women back from finding love at this time in their life.

Women are information gatherers.

They take it all in and stow the notebooks they’ve accumulated up in a closet never to be seen again.

Sound familiar?

I’ve found that my clients who are most successful at finding love are not just information gatherers.

They take the information and than go out and use it to get what they want in their lives.

Now this can be pretty hard to do on your own and it can be a slow path figuring it all out alone.

When you have a coach who keeps you accountable to your dreams and gives you the next steps for making them come true, your chances of finding love in the second half of your life go up over 400%.

There is no magic bullet.

It takes investing in yourself emotionally, financially plus a willingness to do the work that makes any dream come true.

(If you’re reading this and feel it sounds like you, than you’ll want to apply for a Dare to Live Your Dream Complimentary Session with me and we’ll talk about what’s holding you back and what you’re next step is for finding love in the second half of your life.)

In the meantime, I’ve given you some ideas to get you started.

Wishing you the best.

P.S. If you find yourself suffering from any type of depression, please find a licensed therapist who can help you with this before you start dating.


Dear Lisa,

I’m a 58 year old Christian female. In your opinion what is the best online Dating site for someone like me? Thanks! Vicki



Christian men are on every dating site. I’d suggest starting with EHarmony, Christian Mingle and Christian Café.

But you can also find Christian men on all the Mainstream Dating Sites as well like, and POF.

The secret is to browse the site before you sign up.

This way you can see if the men who’ve posted profiles on there meet your religious requirements.

Also, you can take a look at some of the sites I think would work for you by clicking this link: Lisa’s Favorite Dating Sites

Would love to hear your comments…you can post them by clicking the button below.

Until next time-

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

1 Comment
  1. Lisa – You always mention have a lot of girlfriends. Ive never had any. All of my life I have hung out with guys….girls tended to stab you in the back or want to spend time doing things I didn’t care about like shopping or make up.

    Im a tall thin blonde who taught aerobics for 20 years and now teach soldiers how to ride motorcycles.

    Have been single since 99. Very lonely.

    Can use help.

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