1. May 10, 2013 at 6:45 pm


    You hit it right on the head; men will have sex with someone for the sake of having sex. They do not even have to be attracted to the woman. Women have sex as part of emotional bonding and will not or cannot enjoy sex with someone they have no attraction for/connection with. Therein lies the problem. I have found that waiting 1-3 months before having sex (one month when you see the person almost daily, 3 months when it is longer distance)separates the users from the men who actually are interested in a real relationship

    1. May 13, 2013 at 2:21 pm


      Sounds like you have found a plan that works for you when it comes to sex. I do think waiting a bit is good so a man does build an emotional versus just a physical connection with you. Thank you for your insight on this issue.

  2. May 9, 2013 at 1:36 pm


    Dear Liza,
    Thank you so much for keeping sending me helpful cases. I really like your advices that you have given to Nan. It was really helpful to me and made me feel more confident about this. I have made lots of date and most of men always suggest me to have sex with them. I always rejected them and they leave me. Sometime I was thinking a lot about this. I asked myself how I can do this in order to maintain a relationship with a man. After I got your case here I feel I am ready and know clearly on how I do to response my challenges here.
    Thank you so much Liza,
    God Bless You,

    1. May 13, 2013 at 2:19 pm


      You are so welcome Soun. Let me know if there are other topics you’d like to know more about.

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