Ayurveda’s Love Matches


This is a guest post by Lissa Coffey, Lifestyle, Wellness & Relationship Expert and the author of What’s Your Dosha, Baby? It’s so interesting to learn about this perspective on relationships. I hope you enjoy reading it!



A Neti Pot and rose, chili peppers and sesame seeds, ingredients for Ayurvedic health.

There are many ways of looking at our compatibility with other people – such as the Mars/Venus theories, and the Love Signs system based on astrology, among others. But long before any of these formulas were even a twinkle in the cosmos, philosophers and scientists in Ancient India devised a system of health care called “Ayurveda” – or “the science of life.” At over 5,000 years old, Ayurveda is the oldest know health care system in the world, and now it is the fastest-growing system as well. Within this holistic system lies everything we need to know about life, and love.

Ayurveda explains the nature of everything in the universe. It is a compelling way of looking at all of life, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Ayurveda tells us how we “tick,” and how we relate to the rest of the world, including the other people in it!

When you know your dosha, and that of your partner, you can use this information to create a personal and passionate seduction! There are three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. We each have all three in our physiology, the idea is to find which is the most dominant, and you can do that by taking a simple quiz, like the one at https://www.whatsyourdosha.com.

Vatas, for example, tend to have a delicate digestion. They need to eat warm, cooked foods. Because Vata is cold and dry, Vata types are more comfortable when they stay warm, and use moisturizers and oils on their skin. Vatas are creative. They like to mix things up. They are spontaneous. Their dominant senses are touch and sound, so they love to give and get massages, and listening to exotic music gets them going. Vatas like to have fun, and will always surprise you! When romancing a Vata, it’s important to keep the room warm, as Vatas get cold easily.

Pittas tend to run hot, so they need to make sure that they find ways to cool off, especially during the summer days. Pittas can also be intense, so they need to set aside some relax time, away from work. Pittas are more practical. They are very organized and planned-out in their romantic approach. They don’t like to spend money generally, but they will splurge on luxuries, like a weekend-getaway or a beautiful diamond bracelet. Their dominant sense is sight – so they like to look at beautiful things, a view, a sunset, or a sexy video, to get in the mood. When romancing a Pitta, remember to create beautiful lighting, with candles or firelight. Pittas run hot, so keep the room cool and they’ll be comfortable.

Kaphas may gain weight easily, so they need to watch their diet, and avoid sugar and dairy products. And they need to exercise more strenuously than the other doshas to stay in shape. Kaphas are loving and romantic, sentimental. They remember things like the anniversary date of their first kiss! Their dominant senses are taste and smell, so they are drawn to things like a romantic dinner for two, or scented candles, or fragrant flowers. A wonderful bubble bath, with some bubbly champagne is just the ticket for the sensual Kapha. Try feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries!

Once we understand the basics of Ayurveda, we see that we can get along with anyone. There are no “bad” matches! But there are some matches that can help to keep us in balance more than others. When looking for a match, you may choose to hook up with a dosha that is different than your own to bring some of that balance to your life. For example, when two Vatas get together, that’s a lot of air and space, and too much can lead to forgetfulness, anxiety, disorganization, and the like. Vatas are best paired with Pittas, who can add order to their chaos and heat to their cold. Vatas help Pittas to lighten up, and help to take their attention away from their workaholic ways. Vatas also do very well with Kaphas, who contribute stability to the relationship. Vatas bring much needed stimulation and spontaneity to the Kapha’s lifestyle.

Two Pittas together may be too much heat. They both want to be the boss! And a Kapha couple can have challenges getting out of the house because they are both such home-bodies. The Pitta/Kapha couple is more balanced, Pitta fires up Kapha with motivation, and Kapha smoothes out Pitta’s sharpness.

As important as our relationships are to us, how much time and effort do we really put into them? So often we go about living our lives and expect that another person either fits into that picture or doesn’t. But we each have needs, and temperaments, and ideas about how we like things to be. When we better understand ourselves, and each other, we can focus on what is important, and what makes a relationship work.

This system shows us how we can please each other and ourselves at the same time. Ayurveda has been described as the art of living in harmony with nature. It shows us how we can live blissfully with those around us by recognizing a person’s natural qualities and how we can bring more love into the world by being accepting rather than judgmental.

One thing’s for sure. Finding love and connection is one of the most important – and pleasurable! – things we come here to do. My hope is that Ayurveda, with its ancient Indian secrets for keeping love burning bright, will not only help you in your process of self-discovery but also enable you to find and nourish the love matches of your dreams.


Lissa Coffey is the author of What’s Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love. More info and free online quiz and e-course at www.whatsyourdosha.com. She is also the Host and Producer of Coffey Talk. Visit the pressroom at https://www.coffeytalk.com.

I’d love to hear what you think!

Until next time ~


Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

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Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

1 Comment
  1. This rings true for so many of the couples I know. They pleasantly balance each other, which makes a life together seem blissful. Lissa’s quiz was simple and really showed aspects of people’s character that, when considered, can help you find the perfect match!

    Good LUCK to everyone who is searching for romance. Stay focused and it will happen!!


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