3 Important Steps That Can Lead To Mr. Right After 50


woman over 50 day dreaming with cup of coffeeAsking the Universe to bring Mr. Right to your doorstep is a great beginning for the love life you imagine for yourself.  By stating your desires, you are actually laying the groundwork about the man and life you want.

Once the foundation is in place, you want to take action to get yourself closer to your love goals.  These 3 steps are a great way to get on the path that leads to your dreams.

Step #1 – Know Why You Want A Man And A Relationship In Your Life 

Getting married at a young age, you and your ex probably shared traditional goals. You were poised to build a life together filled with jobs, a house, children and maybe even a dog.

Other than a fear of being alone or maybe wanting some financial support as you age, have you given any thought to the reason you’d like a man to be part of your life today?

Are you looking for companionship, a Saturday night date or a relationship where you’ll work out life together?

Do you want to marry again or live with someone…the two of you poised to support each other through the good times and the not so good while sharing family, friends and life?

To get what you want…you have to know what you want and why you want it.

You’ll want to choose someone who’s on the same page as you are.

Step #2 – Why Affirmations Are Not Enough

You can say affirmations like… “I deserve a man,” or “I’m worthy of the right relationship,” until you’re blue in the face.

Yet making your dreams come true starts with feeling the dream inside your whole being, especially in your heart before you’ve even met your Mr. Right.

As a child, I remember playing a game with my sister where we’d use our bedspreads as dress up gowns and we’d imagine ourselves going to dinner or on a trip with our husbands.

We’d play this game for hours, having a fun time with these imaginary men and our imaginary kids.

We were 8 years old and already felt married.

When we played this game…we could feel ourselves already in these roles.

This is what you want to do for your love life today.  Feel yourself with this great guy you’ve imagined coming into your life.

Dream how it feels to have him kiss you.  Create a vision of the great trips you’ll take or imagine what it feels like to meet each others family and friends.

Once you can really feel a man and the life you’ll share… then say your affirmations. The two work well together for keeping your dreams alive.

Step #3 – Date To Date While You’re Waiting For Mr. Right

Being around male energy not only feels good…it can be a lot of fun when you allow it!

The best way to make this happen is by dating to date.

Dating can be the biggest drag when you go on a date looking for your next husband.

You sip your coffee mentally checking off what the guy does and doesn’t have based on a first impression, which by the way isn’t always right.

Instead, why don’t you set an intention of going on a date just to meet someone new and interesting?

You might find if you give a nice guy a chance by hanging out together – remember doing that when you were young? – over time he might turn into the Mr. Right the Universe has brought to your doorstep.

I would love to hear what you think about all of this.

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

  1. Great advice, don’t just date to find a man, join clubs and groups that interest you and you’ll have something in common too.

    • So true…best place to find men you’ll have things in common with is at an activity you enjoy doing unless its knitting or needlepoint. I doubt you’d find many men in those classes.

  2. Hi,
    I think what you said has merit and I am on board about date to date but my question is , How? I have been on Match, Ourtime and seem to meet ones that don’t interest me and I seem to attract all the wrong guys. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it is my profile.

    • Hi Beth
      Most men and women date like Kevin Costner built his ball field in Field of Dreams. Do you remember what he said? If you build it, they will come. Part of that is true but you have to have a lot in place with a foundation you build and a knowledge about men for that to come true.

      I’m going to be doing a Complimentary Teleseminar in August that can answer some of your questions about what’s going on in your dating life right now. Watch for information about it towards the end of July.

      Lots of hugs to you. And hang in there…you’ll get answers soon.

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