First Date Makeup tips for women over 50, It’s Not What You Think!


Suzanne Blons also known as The Beauty Shaman, loves helping women our age look their best.  

She’s a makeup artist who has worked with both celebrities and regular women just like you and me who want to look and feel amazing in the second half of their life. 

I love her tips. In fact, I was on a local show TV today and used the tips she’s going to share in her guest blog post!

They’re pretty awesome and so EASY to use.

I think you’re going to love them!!!!!!!

So here we go . . . .

It’s happened.

You have a date with a stellar candidate for lasting love and romance.

Heading to your closet, you try to decide what to wear and what lipstick will go with that particular shade of blue.

Your goal?

To beguile him with charm, long lashes, and just the right amount of eyeliner.

As you study your face in the mirror, you realize that you don’t know what’s the right amount of eyeliner to use!

It’s at this moment that every woman needs a little guidance and support from your best girlfriend, the makeup artist.

How Do I Show Up?

What is the best way to present YOU on a first date?

Should you show a little cleavage?

What about wearing red lipstick and false lashes?

I, too, am a single woman in my fifty’s out in the dating world.

Dating is precarious and delightful and full of mine fields that I would like you to avoid.

For starters, there is the first date.

The first time you meet a potential partner, it’s important that you look like the best version of yourself without surrendering authenticity.

What I mean by that is if you show cleavage on a regular basis then it would be natural to show the girls on a first date.

If you are like me and every shirt covers them, then stay true to yourself.

I encourage you to wear bright colors that flatter your complexion and avoid grey, black and white if possible.

Unless you are going to a fancy restaurant, dress in a casual but pretty outfit that suits the location where you are meeting Mr. Delicious.

Okay, What About the Makeup?

I love helping women with their appearance!

Because of this, I have created a YouTube channel devoted to women over 40 called, The Beauty Shaman.

One of my top videos is, How To Do Your Makeup For The First Date.

Click here to watch it, and don’t forget to subscribe.

Having said that, let’s talk about your eyeliner!

I have two rules of thumb; less is more, and soften-down all the edges.

Many women have this idea that when you want to impress, you put on more makeup.

My sense is that more is not the answer, but rather know-how.

Chose foundations that are light to medium coverage, and toss out foundation powders or full coverage liquid foundations as they are too heavy and can sit in fine lines.

If you like contour or bronzers, do not copy the twenty-something in your office who plasters it all over her cheeks.

Instead, use a little just to add depth and dimension to your face, but that’s it.

Eyeliner For a Goddess

One of my tricks is to use eyeliner, either a pencil or liquid, and then soften it down using eye shadow and a thin brush. (For a proper demonstration please see the above video.)

Keep the liner close to your lashes, and thicker toward the outer edge of your eyes.

Pick a shade that flatters your eye color, for example, blue eyes are brought out by grey-blues, violet/purples, and warm browns.

Always go for colors that don’t compete with your eye color; you want him noticing your eyes, not your bright blue eyeliner you’ve owned since 1982.

Green eyes pop with grape/purple and espresso, and brown eyes need charcoal, navy, or even deep green to make them jump.

Keep the crease color minimal if using eyeliner, and for fun, put a dash of shiny shadow right on the lid.

Can I Wear Red Lipstick?

I adore red lipstick, and my favorite shade is MAC Cosmetics Ruby Woo.

On a first date, though, unless I’m going out with a man who loves fashion, it’s probably not the best choice.

Instead, I suggest using softer colors and focusing on your best feature.

If I’m bringing out my eyes, then I go for a soft lipstick, if I like blush, then I apply a minimal lip.

As far as false lashes go, only wear them if that is normal for you, otherwise, just use at least two coats of good mascara.

To steal from Forest Gump, dating is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get!

I hope the dating world brings you the relationship you’ve always wanted, and that the first date is fun, playful, and that your makeup looks beautiful.

Suzanne Blons is a celebrity makeup artist and YouTube influencer for women over 40. She can be found at or on YouTube at The Beauty Shaman.

Hope you’ll let Suzanne and I know how these tips work for you.

Believing in You!


Your Next Steps to Love after 50. . . .

💞 Feeling like you are on a merry-go-round of mismatched dates? Lets press pause and talk about how we can write a new love story for you. Click here to start our conversation. Tell me your story – I am here to listen and guide you towards meeting someone truly special.

If you are still gearing up for that step, I have plenty of insights and inspiration for you:

1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for heartfelt dating wisdom and uplifting success stories from women who have been just where you are. They found love, and so can you. Click here to watch and learn.

2. Discover a new chapter in your dating life with my book, "The Winning Dating Formula." It is more than a book; it is your journey to love mapped out. And it is just a click away on Amazon. Click here and start attracting the love you deserve.

3. Join our Finding Love after 50 Facebook group to find camaraderie and connection. It is a warm and welcoming space to share your journey and receive support every step of the way. Click here to become part of our community.

4. On the lookout for a dating site that resonates with you? Browse through my personal selection of the best dating sites tailor-made for fabulous over 50s. Click here and say goodbye to guesswork.

Let these resources be your steppingstones to a love life filled with promise and joy. When you are ready, I am here to take that journey with you. Together, lets find your Mr. Right! 🌹

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