1. August 28, 2013 at 11:19 pm


    I enjoy reading your blogs. I think some of your advise is very good. How can you write an article about how men think if you are not a man? You assume all men are the same, they aren’t. Many enlightened men think on both sides of their brains right and left, they are renaissance men. They,are not just hunters but gathers too or at least they can think like them.
    I think it is great when you give suggestions to women that come from your own personal experiences but when you give them advise on how men think maybe it would be best not to generalize or to qualify your statements better.

    Best of luck,

    A Renaissance Man

    1. August 29, 2013 at 8:19 pm


      Renaissance Man…I am glad you are enjoying my blogs. I am not a man but I have interviewed many men over the years who have filled me in on how they see life and how their brains work. In addition, I have done a great deal of research that has been scientifically verified as to how the brains of men and women work.

      From what you are describing, it sounds like you have what is known as a “bridge brain” where both the left and right sides of the brain are attached. This is why you are able to have the characteristics of both a hunter and a gatherer. According to scientific research this is a rare phenomenon for men. So you are very fortunate to be able to experience this. Enjoy it. It’s truly a gift.

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