One Comment

  1. December 16, 2013 at 3:14 pm


    Just saw at work dude that cheated on me with his latest conquest walking across campus. Wish he’d have the decency to keep her at home, away from MY place of work. When I met my husband of 12 years, he had an ex that he broke up with months before going out with me. We both were always very concious of events she may want to go to, skipping them out of respect for her feelings. I never, ever, was anywhere near her place of business. I simply no longer wish to live in a world that cares so little about the feelings of others. Idea number 6: Ignore them. Money really short, no men of any quality here, no men on line, no dating fairy godmothers plus again no men for them to fix me up with anyway. gonna go deep, deep, into the backcountry and hide. We unintentional singles, especially those of us without family or loved ones, should not be expected to even acknowledge the holidays, we are allowed to ignore them completely. A time where one is forced to deal with the holidays yet one is not allowed to participate even remotely in the way one would want to. Sorry to whine but that’s how I feel.

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