One Comment

  1. December 23, 2014 at 9:12 am


    ‘Nother suggestion: why “do” the holidays at all if they stress you out, make you feel down? As I am not Christian, traditional actually, my only holiday at this time is the Solstice. The rest of a time I use to get outside, help others, get stuff done in the house, catch up with chores. The whole holiday thing has become a sort of monster revolving around consumerism and unrealistic expectations of family , friends, loved ones. Since in the old way, this is the new year, this is a good time to slow down, bail out, and do a lot of self-reflection. What worked over the past year, what didn’t, what mistakes did I make and why? Since I am a fairly well off person working 9 months a year in a high responsibility job and running a small farm in a very impoverished area, my dating season is only the 3 summer months; the only time that one has a high probability of meeting someone quality from outside who wants to be here. Given that, this time is a good time to troll online sites, see which ones are worth the subscription, get new photos taken. Have learned that some sites have a high percentage of men that don’t share my values, some sites try and tell you your “match” lives in a different time zone if not nation and shares zero values. What can I do to make myself more attractive to those I want to meet? How can I avoid those I don’t want to meet? Should I give up, putmy energy into uupgrading my home to get enough for it? Should I take a huge financial risk and retire very early? Yep, this is a time for self study, self evaluation, self improvement, not to pine over something that cannot be this year.

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