You are my hero! Incidentally, my ex husband, with whom I had a wonderful marriage, is 81. Playing Mrs. Robinson wouldn’t be so bad if there were younger guys that were not so much into pop culture and were self supporting.
December 1, 2013 at 11:55 pm
Marlee Swales
I enjoy reading everything that you have written…. The opportunity to be able to talk to you personally over the phone was such a godsend. when our conversation was over I felt so validated and energized about my experiences in the dating field…. being 77 years old is a little different than being 50 years old ….. i’m waiting for you to write a book on dating after 80….. I could certainly contribute some very funny and humorous antidotes…… anyone who dates after 80 certainly needs to approach dating with a strong sense of humor and no expectations because there aren’t any!…. it’s interesting the number of men who are so much younger then I that are interested in older Women starting at age 19 Here is our opportunity to be Mrs. Robinson or better yet having a relationship like the characters in the movie. ” Harold and Maude”….. it’s not so much the age difference it’s the wrinkle difference that bothers me….. anyways I’m having the time of my life and it is such a heady experience. ….. and thank you for being so supportive
Marlee Swales
November 25, 2013 at 5:11 pm
Ya know, I do all of these things and am really becoming convinced to put off dating until I can retire and leave the region. Been on about 5 dating sites, spent a lot of money which could’ve gone into fixing up my home thus increasing it’s value for eventual sale, taking care of my dad, paying off credit cards, whatever. I just am not finding any fit, educated (I am serously educated), healthy men. I dont stick to who contacts me, I go looking on the sites for what I want and just do not see/read about many who appeal to me at all. I know many blogs say “settle, settle, settle” but in my experience, if there is serious incompatibility, or you just cannot force a physical attraction for the person, it’s not fair to you or the other person to pretend there is a possibility of a relationship when there is none. I polled other single women have been on line in my region also for years, are a variety of ages (30’s to late 60’s). They’re in the same boat and too have stopped paying hundreds for dating sites and have given up. Overwhelmingly underemployed guys without much ambition, ski/snowboard bums, often have very redneck values, little/no education. This is within a 100 mile radius of here (Rocky Mountain area). I thought that there was something really wrong with me until I talked to these other women. They too are sick of driving 100+ miles one way for dates that do not work out, going to far away social stuff on dangerous winter roads. Are there simply areas, due to socioeconomic factors and “cultural” values, where the majority of men are simply not good dating material?
December 3, 2013 at 10:52 am
You are my hero! Incidentally, my ex husband, with whom I had a wonderful marriage, is 81. Playing Mrs. Robinson wouldn’t be so bad if there were younger guys that were not so much into pop culture and were self supporting.
December 1, 2013 at 11:55 pm
Marlee Swales
I enjoy reading everything that you have written…. The opportunity to be able to talk to you personally over the phone was such a godsend. when our conversation was over I felt so validated and energized about my experiences in the dating field…. being 77 years old is a little different than being 50 years old ….. i’m waiting for you to write a book on dating after 80….. I could certainly contribute some very funny and humorous antidotes…… anyone who dates after 80 certainly needs to approach dating with a strong sense of humor and no expectations because there aren’t any!…. it’s interesting the number of men who are so much younger then I that are interested in older Women starting at age 19 Here is our opportunity to be Mrs. Robinson or better yet having a relationship like the characters in the movie. ” Harold and Maude”….. it’s not so much the age difference it’s the wrinkle difference that bothers me….. anyways I’m having the time of my life and it is such a heady experience. ….. and thank you for being so supportive
Marlee Swales
November 25, 2013 at 5:11 pm
Ya know, I do all of these things and am really becoming convinced to put off dating until I can retire and leave the region. Been on about 5 dating sites, spent a lot of money which could’ve gone into fixing up my home thus increasing it’s value for eventual sale, taking care of my dad, paying off credit cards, whatever. I just am not finding any fit, educated (I am serously educated), healthy men. I dont stick to who contacts me, I go looking on the sites for what I want and just do not see/read about many who appeal to me at all. I know many blogs say “settle, settle, settle” but in my experience, if there is serious incompatibility, or you just cannot force a physical attraction for the person, it’s not fair to you or the other person to pretend there is a possibility of a relationship when there is none. I polled other single women have been on line in my region also for years, are a variety of ages (30’s to late 60’s). They’re in the same boat and too have stopped paying hundreds for dating sites and have given up. Overwhelmingly underemployed guys without much ambition, ski/snowboard bums, often have very redneck values, little/no education. This is within a 100 mile radius of here (Rocky Mountain area). I thought that there was something really wrong with me until I talked to these other women. They too are sick of driving 100+ miles one way for dates that do not work out, going to far away social stuff on dangerous winter roads. Are there simply areas, due to socioeconomic factors and “cultural” values, where the majority of men are simply not good dating material?