1. November 21, 2013 at 12:48 am


    Thanks for the reply. The men to whom I allude are not folks I date. An educated woman in this town must date 100+ miles away. The vast majority of regional older men are uneducated, very Libertarian, and into guns in a big way. The guys whom I ask for help are friends, such as the local minister, colleagues. Just wondered if not showing up was a guy thing. In the far north, home for me, this never happened. The local single dudes are intimidated by me and that’s a good thing; they are unemployed and frequently have drug/alcohol issues and, as earlier stated are not dating material. BTW, in the old times, woodcutting, growing food, were traditional women’s roles, at least among the tribes 🙂

  2. November 20, 2013 at 2:41 pm

    Ted Master

    Maybe the men you meet are intimated by you. It sounds like you do a lot of things that were traditionally considered mans work, farming and cutting wood. What you need to do is find the men that use both sides of their brains to think. You have changed the normal traditional role of women you need to find the man that has changed or at least not threatened by a woman that can do non traditional woman roles. You need a renaissance man! Ask Lisa

  3. November 20, 2013 at 10:09 am


    Good points here Ted, and it makes good biological sense: men were warriors and large game hunters, you needed to keep silent or you were prey yourself. Women were the keepers of the community where constant bonding and communication kept the place running on an even keel. Something baffles me though, I am running a small organic farm, I cut my own wood, and have a full time academic job. I am on the slightly built side so anything over 100 pounds I am going to need help with. Have had men offer to help, without my asking, as my free time is very limited during the school year, we arrange a time to lift stuff then they don’t show up; repeatedly. Whazzup with that? Is this a Western man thing? Never dealt with this in the far north where I am from. People here give me crap because I try and do everything Aline, yet they don’t show up.

  4. November 14, 2013 at 6:02 pm

    Ted Master

    I think men are pretty easy to understand of course I am a man. We don’t talk about feelings, we only talk about meat and potato things. We want to help as you said but we need to be told what to do. The tough part is since men don’t talk about their feelings a woman needs to ask them what they fell about this or that.

    Two women go to the beach the talk about everything under the sun and they have a great day. Two men go golfing they don’t words to one another they have a great day.

    If you understand that basically men want to be asked and women want to tell then all is well.

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