The New Type of ‘Dear Jane’ Letter

Don’t you just love technology and the way your cell phone has the ability to text someone anytime from anywhere?  Making plans is so easy via text or email. You can do it quickly and efficiently without spending hours on the phone gabbing about the same things you’d talk about anyway when you got together.

It seems as though texting has also become the modern way of ending relationships in the 21st century.  It’s the new Dear John/ Dear Jane way of ending the connection.  But instead of a letter, it’s done with a text.  I know cause it happened to me.  I met a man named Matt on Plenty of Fish.  He and I really hit it off and he was great to look at being some serious eye candy!

He was the first guy I ever dated where my knees nearly buckled when I saw him. Our relationship was easy and fun.  We could talk for hours and somehow he was one of those guys that knew when something was wrong just from hearing my voice.  A rarity!

Our problem was I travelled a lot during our short time together.  We kept in touch over the phone and in our last conversation, he told me how much he missed me and how he couldn’t wait until the next time we’d be together. So imagine my surprise when I arrived home and received this text:

“Hi Lisa- I’ve enjoyed our time together but I feel we got too close too fast.  I really like you but I need some space.  I’ll call you in a few weeks.  Matt”

I was stunned and I was pissed.  I had no clue why he was blowing me off when only days earlier, he had professed such care and concern for my well being.  But blow me off he did and in the most impersonal way possible.  I texted him back hoping he would tell me why he was ending our relationship.

“Matt- I wish we could have spoken before you made this decision for us.  It makes me feel so sad.  Lisa”

Of course, he didn’t answer and that is why texting has become the new vehicle for relationship breakups. It’s easy.  There’s no drama for the person creating the split.  No having to answer the question, why? No seeing or hearing how the breakup may have hurt someone’s feelings. Just a quick good bye and the relationship is done.

What do you think about Dear Jane texts?  Has a man done this to you in the past?   I hope you can share below what it felt like to have someone break up with you in such an impersonal way and how you were able to handle it.

Ever wonder what a man’s thinking when he tells you he’ll call you after a great date yet doesn’t?  Would you like the secret for getting a man your interested in to ask you out?  
If you’re looking for answers to these questions and more then you’ll want to join me on Wednesday, April 25th at 7:30 p.m. EDT for this Free Teleseminar on The 5 Keys to Understanding the Men We Want to Date.”
Hurry, space is limited so click on this link to reserve your seat now!

Until next time-

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

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If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

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Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

1 Comment
  1. I have a funny story to share about this. Be careful with cell phones that has spell check. My best friend had been with this guy for 5 years. One day out of the blue he sent her a text and basically said it was over. Oopppss.. Spell check messed that up. That is not what he meant to say but spell check changed his words. Texting is good at times, but it can be your worse enemy at others. I love your blog posts.

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