Curious about the results in store when you work with Lisa?

Read these Success Stories and get inspired...


Feeling Empowered Working With Lisa


Lisa, I feel so empowered after our session today!! Thank you!

Susan. Oregon

Lisa’s Advice Is Honest And Straightforward

Since my divorce I’ve been frustrated & filled with anxiety when it comes to the “sex” part of dating! As all of us baby boomers go through menopause & watch our bodies change from what they used to be, I’ve found it difficult to relax & feel confident about my body with a new man in my life. Getting naked & being intimate with a “new” man~OMG. Lisa really helped me realize that guys really don’t care about my flaws. They’re aging too & have their own issues!

She’s very honest & straightforward. She’s a pleasure! NO questions are off limits! I’ve taken her advise about some new products on the market & well, let me say “Let the fun begin” (and it has)!  Thank you Lisa!


Having an Understanding Men Would Have Save Jennifer A Lot Of Heartache

Lisa…I signed up a couple of days ago for Understanding Men 101 and have started to listen to your recorded talks. The information you shared was very helpful!!  I only wish I’d had some of that knowledge earlier. It might have improved my past relationships. 

Jennifer, Florida

Lisa, Your Quality Man Template Tool is Pure Magic For Finding Mr. Right

For the past year, when dating I have used the Quality Man Template, a tool that is part of the Fun Path Program that helped me identify exactly who I wanted to share my life with. I recall being skeptical but did it anyway and I’m so glad I did. Recently, I reread it and it almost 100% describes the man I am dating.  Magical is the right word. I described his qualities, how I wanted to feel when I am with him, how I pictured our relationship and so much more. This tool alone was worth having invested in the program because it brought the right man to me. Thank you so much.

Adriana, Virgina


I’m happy to share that by following all of Lisa’s advice and using her tools, I am confidently meeting high quality men and having fun in the process. She helped me learn how to be comfortable being myself and sharing my heart without worrying about changing to be successful in dating. Having my quality men template helps put me in a great mindset and know that I am the prize. Everything is much more fun now! Thank you Lisa for making this journey fun and so much easier.


Lisa, Colorado

Am Finally Dating Quality Men Thanks to Working With Lisa

Lisa, I wanted to let you know that I walk around with my Quality Man Template in my bag that we created in my VIP Experience with you. I look at my template and my 3 Must Have Qualities and read them daily.

It has helped me tremendously.  At the moment, I’m dating 3 yes 3 men who meet both lists.

We’ll see what happens.  I know my guy is out there and I’m so excited that after working with you, I can now see them. Lots of Hugs

Teri, New York