One Comment

  1. July 3, 2014 at 9:59 am


    On the religious question; as I am Traditional Native, there’s no way anyone I date will share my beliefs. Even among the tribes, each nation has a different religion; we are actually more different as tribes than folks who live in different countries on other continents are. The issue is one of mutual respect. If you are doing the family thing, things could get sticky but given you’re on this site, probably a non issue. If you are super observant, again, maybe a problem. Not forcing one’s beliefs on others and respecting differences (which ought a happen regardless) is key.
    For the other two posters; being the best you you can be is key. I too am completely alone, living in a place where most of the populace has very different core values. My dad is dying and apart from colleagues, there’s no one to talk to. Much easier to deal with his health issues when I was married. Being alone can really suck; it’s as though all your married/partnered acquaintances expect you to accept a lower standard of emotional life than they AND like it. I understand fully. On the other hand, desperation is smelled a mile away and attracts bad people. Exes are exes for a reason; don’t go there. You have to make a full life for yourself; no one’s gonna rescue you though they may try and take advantage. Get into the best shape you can be in, if your job, home, etc is unsatisfactory, that’s for you to fix. Learn to fix stuff on your own. Where do you live? Some areas have no functional dating pool, such as where I live. Are you being rejected by men or is it a matter of finding no one suitable? An important distinction. The latter means get a long term escape plan. Look for jobs elsewhere more likely to mesh with your values, pay off unsecured debt, consider early retirement. About not being picture-perfect; again be the best you can be. I am mixed race, have a big Indian nose, don’t photograph worth beans, look much better IRL. No matter what I do, some men will always turn away, especially on line. Racism is alive and well. On line works best for average, conventionally attractive White folks. People only overlook perceived flaws when they get to know you; that happens IRL. Meet folks in places where healthy, successful folk go. Races, charity/arts events. Avoid bars which attract chronic drinkers and folk looking for a cheap hook up-bad news.

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