3 Qualities Men Over 50 Are Looking For In A Woman


Happy mature couple having breakfast in bed at homeHopefully, you have an idea of what you want in the man you want to date. You might know you want a man with a certain religion, a man who is healthy and active, or a man with a strong connection to his family.

Yet have you ever given thought to what men are looking for in the woman they want as their companion, girlfriend or wife? I’d like to share with you 3 of those qualities men want the women they date to have and why they are so important to men.


#1. A man wants a woman who respects him.

This is huge! Before I understood men (I thought I understood them but I really didn’t have the first clue), I dated a man for 2 years who I knew wasn’t the right one for me. What attracted me to him was the way he looked at me. His eyes were filled with a love and adoration I’d never experienced before. Their intensity gave me an idea of what celebrities must feel from their fans.

Yet by the time our relationship ended, the fire in his eyes had died as he walked out the door looking defeated and telling me I didn’t know how to let a man be a man. He was right.

The problem was I didn’t respect him or the decisions he’d made in his life. So when he’d offer me advice, I’d total disregard it. What happens when you don’t respect a man is he feels inadequate and overpowered, thinking nothing he does will be good enough for you. He feels he can’t make you happy unless you respect and appreciate what he can do to make your life better.

So if you find you aren’t able to respect the man in your life or his decisions, you are better off ending the relationship so that you can find someone you do respect and he can look for someone who will respect him.


#2. A man doesn’t want you constantly testing him to see if he still loves you.

As women, we test men to show us their love. That’s because we want to hear them profess their love to us in the form of words. Women love and thrive on words. Men don’t. Men believe actions show far more about their feelings than words ever will.

If you’re looking for him to tell you over and over again that he loves you, just watch what he does for you. Men will do things like fix the leg on a wobbly table that’s been driving you nuts. Or he’ll see the grass in your lawn is too long so he’ll come over and cut it for you. Or he’ll show up with flowers that may or may not have a card as a way of saying…I love you and care about you.


#3. A man wants a woman he can make happy.

An over 50’s man is all about pleasing you and making you happy. Nothing makes him feel more content then seeing the smile on your face as a result of what he’s done for you. What is important to understand about men is they will give generously of anything they want to give.

That means, if you want him to go to the ballet and the ballet is a huge turn off for him…he will say no and no matter how much you demand, threaten or try to get him to do this with you, he isn’t going to. What would make him happiest in this situation is if you take a friend instead.

Yet… when you say, let’s go to a movie, and this is an activity he enjoys, a lot of times he will give up his bang, bang, shoot ’em up movie to see a chick flick because it will make you happy.

Men over 50 want relationships to be easy. They are always open to suggestions and preferences you may have and they will do their best to make your wishes come true when they can.

Understanding men is crucial to attracting the type of dates that ultimately lead to a good relationship with a man. I’m sure you’ve noticed how men over 50 are so different than the men you dated back in high school and college. Of course, they are older but they have matured through a process that created who they are today. Most men feel women don’t get them anymore.

They are as frustrated as you are with dating and finding love again.

They way for you to get to a man’s heart is by understanding exactly who a man is at this point in his life and that’s why my audio class, Understanding Men 101, is important for getting the man and relationship you want.

You can download it today and start using what you’ll discover right away. Check it out here…


I’d love to hear how you’ve tried testing men in your dating life and how it worked out for you.

Until next time~

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

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