1. February 9, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    Karen Isaacson

    If you’re taking anti-depressants, they can also be the culprit. Check with your doctor if you notice or have noticed a decrease in libido since you began taking them and find out if there are alternatives.

    1. February 10, 2015 at 10:45 am

      Dr. Brenda

      Hello Karen,

      Yes you are right, anti-depressants can lower libido and I could include that as a possible reason. Since I don’t prescribe medications I do not make suggestions in this area but I do see what you are saying. I would also comment that if you or anyone is taking medications it is imperative that you know all of the possible side effects before and during use.

      Thank you for your observation and comment.

      To Your Health & Balance,
      Dr. Brenda

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