I am going through a divorce after 28 years of marriage to an alcoholic, and I have not been feeling the love. 24 hours ago I joined plenty of fish, and I am communicating with over 20 guys! I can really see myself going out with some of them, and some of them already want to meet me! I will keep you posted. I have been reading all of your blogs, thanks so much, I still have alot to learn about what men want.
February 10, 2014 at 4:54 pm
Hi Kerri….You are so welcome. I’m so glad you are excited about dating again. The only thing I urge you to do is be sure you have healed from your marriage before you date. Otherwise, we have a tendency to attract the same type of man again to work out what didn’t get finished in our last relationship. I hope you will keep me posted. I’ll be interested to hear how POF goes for you. Hugs to you!
February 10, 2014 at 2:49 pm
I am going through a divorce after 28 years of marriage to an alcoholic, and I have not been feeling the love. 24 hours ago I joined plenty of fish, and I am communicating with over 20 guys! I can really see myself going out with some of them, and some of them already want to meet me! I will keep you posted. I have been reading all of your blogs, thanks so much, I still have alot to learn about what men want.
February 10, 2014 at 4:54 pm
Hi Kerri….You are so welcome. I’m so glad you are excited about dating again. The only thing I urge you to do is be sure you have healed from your marriage before you date. Otherwise, we have a tendency to attract the same type of man again to work out what didn’t get finished in our last relationship. I hope you will keep me posted. I’ll be interested to hear how POF goes for you. Hugs to you!