Hi Tom
So glad you are back. Ok, before you change yourself to a game player… consider this….a partnership is created on who people really are. You are a nice guy and there are plenty of women out there who will want you as a nice guy. Don’t give up on finding her.
What you can do in the meantime is talk with any female friends you might have about what you can do to become more interesting to women. A lot of women find nice guys to be boring. Why? Cause a woman loves a man who takes charge…not all the time…but enough to make her feel safe, loved and protected. Keep posting your comments and let me know how its going.
September 23, 2013 at 11:05 pm
Tom Again
OK Lisa, I’m back…
This is a great and TIMELY post for me.
In my mid-50s and hopefully(?) coming out of a Divorce with something in my pockets and my self-esteem, where like 80% of D’s at our age its the Woman that went bye-bye (in this case on a faithful ‘nice’ Provider)…
I am thinking NOW how to mentally prepare for maybe 5, 10 more decent years of healthy somewhat-youthful relationship gaming…. and boy everything I read out there to help GUYS is about GAME. I am happy(?) to hear that the same Archetype dating personalities you write about above are the same as the GAME articles I’ve been reading.
What none of this points to however, is that in your 50s… your Looks, your Goals (no more kids, looks/sagging, been-there-done-that of many areas…but also truly gang there are no more Long Term relationships because… there likely isn’t a Long Term!), your Immediate Family are not conducive to a lot of time energy to keep up with these Joneses!!
I am coming fast to the conclusion that Bad Boys Rule – so I’m taking High-T, losing weight, reading Game, and switching columns from Nice (Stupid, it seems) Guy to Bad Boy accordingly.
Boomer Ladies – consider this. As you adore the Bad Boys, and now divorce Nice Guys, know they will go extinct or be even more needy/pliable (ewww… I know how repulsive now that is to you).
As I head into the sunset count me as another, trying to capture 5-10y after a lifetime of being taken for a ride on thinking women wanted sensitive caring men… geesh
September 25, 2013 at 4:42 pm
Hi Tom
So glad you are back. Ok, before you change yourself to a game player… consider this….a partnership is created on who people really are. You are a nice guy and there are plenty of women out there who will want you as a nice guy. Don’t give up on finding her.
What you can do in the meantime is talk with any female friends you might have about what you can do to become more interesting to women. A lot of women find nice guys to be boring. Why? Cause a woman loves a man who takes charge…not all the time…but enough to make her feel safe, loved and protected. Keep posting your comments and let me know how its going.
September 23, 2013 at 11:05 pm
Tom Again
OK Lisa, I’m back…
This is a great and TIMELY post for me.
In my mid-50s and hopefully(?) coming out of a Divorce with something in my pockets and my self-esteem, where like 80% of D’s at our age its the Woman that went bye-bye (in this case on a faithful ‘nice’ Provider)…
I am thinking NOW how to mentally prepare for maybe 5, 10 more decent years of healthy somewhat-youthful relationship gaming…. and boy everything I read out there to help GUYS is about GAME. I am happy(?) to hear that the same Archetype dating personalities you write about above are the same as the GAME articles I’ve been reading.
What none of this points to however, is that in your 50s… your Looks, your Goals (no more kids, looks/sagging, been-there-done-that of many areas…but also truly gang there are no more Long Term relationships because… there likely isn’t a Long Term!), your Immediate Family are not conducive to a lot of time energy to keep up with these Joneses!!
I am coming fast to the conclusion that Bad Boys Rule – so I’m taking High-T, losing weight, reading Game, and switching columns from Nice (Stupid, it seems) Guy to Bad Boy accordingly.
Boomer Ladies – consider this. As you adore the Bad Boys, and now divorce Nice Guys, know they will go extinct or be even more needy/pliable (ewww… I know how repulsive now that is to you).
As I head into the sunset count me as another, trying to capture 5-10y after a lifetime of being taken for a ride on thinking women wanted sensitive caring men… geesh
Let the comments start!