One Comment

  1. November 11, 2020 at 8:39 pm


    Hi Lisa,

    This article, How to cope with the loneliness and emptiness as winter comes, has been very helpful to me. I’m not longing for a relationship, I’m mourning a significant loss.

    I’m a widow for the 2nd time at 49, will be 50, 2021. Both losses were sudden, the 1st was after 18 years, I was 36 and had 2 teen at home. I met my 2nd husband about 9 mons later, it was literally love at 1st site and a wonderful marriage. He was 12 years older than me but didn’t look or act it. He was full of life, jokes and had a survivor’s keen, fast wit. He was a sincere, thoughtful, Christian gentleman, charming, sexy, loving…everything I ever dreamed of, I’m still caught in the spell he cast. He was truly the love of my life but he passed in April this year. We would have celebrated 12 years in July and I miss him terribly.

    I’m not ready to date but I will at some point, maybe. I think I will because I still want to be appreciated and sought after. Does that sound normal?

    I read all your articles and am very impressed with your generous sharing and the encouraging messages you share with ladies. You care and I appreciate your candid advice.


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