It’s YOUR Time To Get Everything You Need To Find Love After 50 For REAL this time!!!

Yes, you CAN attract, meet and keep a Quality Man and it doesn’t have to be so hard or make you feel bad!

happy couple over 50Look, I get it, you want a good man in your life – not necessarily because you have to have A MAN but because you want a man to share your life with. To do things together like… 

  • Having fun going to dinners and movies or going out with your couple friends.
  • Knowing he has your back and will give you a hug at the end of the day, especially when it’s been a tough one. 
  • Having a man to share the vacations you’ve dreamed of taking and….
  • Someone to talk and snuggle with over a glass of wine watching the sun set, knowing the day is complete now that you’re together.


It all sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it?

The problem is even though you want a man in your life, you probably DON’T know what it takes to get him. Dating is a skill, and like any skill, it takes learning and practice to succeed. None of us were born knowing how to date. You have probably bought, tried and even been disappointed by other dating programs claiming to show you how to find Mr. Right.  Promises made but promises NOT kept. 

So what do you do?  Do you muddle through it on your own? Or do you join The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program and let me personally walk you through how to get a Quality Man? The difference is NOW you’ll know how to attract, meet and keep him!


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The Fun Path To Mr. Right Program is for you if…

searching-littleMenPink-Checkmark You’re tired of feeling like being in a relationship is happening for everyone EXCEPT you and you’re ready to enjoy the life you love with a good man.

Pink-Checkmark You feel like you’ve invested time and effort into your dating life only to find you STILL haven’t met Mr. Right.

Pink-Checkmark Maybe you’ve had some good dates here and there, but finding the right man isn’t happening for you especially online, and the amount of revving up it takes to get out there and date again feels exhausting!

Pink-Checkmark You want to get your hands on a proven system when it comes to attracting, meeting and keeping a Quality Man after 50.[/message]

If this sounds familiar, and you’re a woman over 50 with an open heart that you’re ready and willing to share with a Quality Man…then The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program is PERFECT for you!

I’m going to walk you through EXACTLY the SAME systems and process I’ve taught to HUNDREDS of my private clients and they too have experienced BIG successes in their own love lives.
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Happy Mature CoupleI want this for YOU — YOUR VERSION of a quality man you love, a life with him you love and the opportunity to have someone who brings out the very best in YOU and makes your life better!


See what women in The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program are saying about the results they’re getting …


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 I’m getting married thanks to what I learned with Lisa in The Fun Path!

“I was really having no luck with Online Dating. On the Live Q & A Calls, Lisa suggested I try honing my skills with men in real life using the sixth module of The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program. Wow, it worked. I met my future husband this way.  Your advice helped me focus on looking for and recognizing quality men.  I kept getting on the Q & A Calls because I loved the sense of community and I learned a lot about men that has helped my relationship with my future husband.  This program really works!” Diane, Chicago


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 I met the guy who is perfect for me!

“Wonderful news to share. Thanks to your Fun Path to Mr. Right program, I gained the clarity, confidence and positive attitude I needed to find a quality man. After 18 months on Match and only one month after signing up to do the Fun Path to Mr. Right, I met the guy who is perfect for me.

I can’t say enough good things about your program. It was the best investment I ever made. It truly was instrumental in boosting my confidence and improving my dating skills. I did every exercise in The Fun Path and was amazed at how my Check lists lined up with my new Love. We are a match made in heaven. Thank you Lisa!

P.S. Lisa, just wanted to let you know, I am getting married in May! Thank you so much for giving me hope and there tools I needed to find love again.” Laurelea, Toronto


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Thanks to The Fun Path to Mr. Right, I now have a streamline of Quality Men wanting to date me!

“All I know is Lisa’s advice and expertise in this program was the tool I needed to really get myself over the hump and get myself back into dating and go figure I am having so much fun! I now have a streamline of men due to the quality of pictures and the wording of my profile. Mostly men who are looking for a women who is still active with high regard to quality of life and pursuing interests we have in common. I still cannot believe that I am going to singles activities by myself- as you suggested to go ahead and go and if you do not want to be there you can leave. It has brought a level of confidence I did not know I have. I realize now that I am not in a hurry but mostly, I get to choose. Loving it!” Dawn, Michigan


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This Fun Path gave me the Confidence I needed to date after 50

I just listened to the Confidence Class in The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program.  The exercises you recommended are right-on! They make you really think about yourself (who you are as a person and what you want from a man in a relationship).  After doing this class, I feel so positive and confident about myself.  Thank you!  Diane, Ohio

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I’m madly in love with an amazing man who adores me thanks to Lisa’s program!

“Lisa…thank you for the great insight into myself and men. I met a wonderful man in August on Match, and we are MADLY in LOVE!!!!! He is perfect for me. He appreciates me as a woman and all of my girly girlness, which is funny considering how I had no clue what that even meant before working with you. Thank you so much. Lots of love.” -Vi 



Now before I tell you what you will get from The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program, let me share with you what WON’T happen…

  • This is NOT just another “dating program.”  I’ve broken down everything my clients have used to attract and keep their Mr. Right. I’ve laid it out in a systematized plan and am sharing it with YOU so you can duplicate YOUR VERSION of their success and get the man you want in your life.
  • This is NOT a dating program you buy and have to figure out all on your own. You’ll get 3 LIVE group coaching calls with ME throughout the program that keep you motivated and inspired as you travel this exciting journey. 
  • So let’s get to the fun stuff and talk about what you ARE going to walk away with from The Fun Path To Mr. Right Program.


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Here’s how The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program can change your love life…

searching-littleMenPink-Checkmark Your friends are going to wonder how you’re attracting so many Quality Men in your life.  They’re going to want to know YOUR SECRET!

Pink-Checkmark You’ll use my 3 Step Profile Template to write a profile that has Quality Men saying, “She’s talking about me!  I have to write her NOW!”

Pink-Checkmark Men are going to want to jump hoops and climb mountains for you because you’re going to have the secrets that only a few women have for triggering this in a man.

Pink-Checkmark  You’ll feel comfortable approaching men YOU’RE ATTRACTED TO in the real world.  And you’ll have the filter for knowing whether he is a good guy in 5 minutes.  No more wasting your precious time on the wrong men because you didn’t have the right tool for seeing he wasn’t right for you.

Pink-Checkmark You’ll know how to use “The # 1 Attraction Factor” that makes you irresistible to men.

Pink-Checkmark You’ll be able to choose the men you want to date versus waiting for men to always be choosing you.

Pink-Checkmark You’ll know how to use “Man Speak,” the secret language men speak and understand.  You’ll know how to talk to them on dates and in your profile to trigger a man’s deepest desire for you.

Pink-Checkmark You’ll know how to set boundaries with a man when he moves too fast that keeps him from running and makes him want to honor what you are asking of him.

Pink-Checkmark You’ll finally start having fun dating good men and when you’re having fun, guess what?  That’s often when Mr. Right shows up!

The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program gives you instant access to what you need to Attract, Meet and Keep a QUALITY MAN in your Life…FAST!

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In this PROVEN system, you’ll get…

imagesImmediate access to my clear, proven 8 Step Plan, which teaches you EXACTLY how to attract, meet and keep your Mr. Right. It will all be in a training center that will be super easy for you to access and navigate.

Whether you’re a newbie at this or an experienced dater, you’ll discover strategies and tips designed to help you find, meet and keep a good guy in your life. All you need to do is follow my paint-by-numbers system to see these results in YOUR love life.

Here’s just a SAMPLING of what you’ll discover when you dig into this system:
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Step #1…Discover the #1 Attraction Factor men are looking for in the women they want to date.

Portrait of a smiling middle aged brunette relaxing on couch

  • Discover what sets you apart, makes you unique, and magnetizes your dream man
  • Gain confidence and clarity in yourself and your vision of finding love after 50
  • Learn how to see yourself in a way that has men excited to meet you
  • Without this attraction factor in place, your dating game can sink before it even begins. 
  • And so much more! 


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Step #2…Find Your Voice, Preparing Yourself to Receive From Men, and Cultivating a Success Dating Mindsethappy couple dancing

  • Discover exactly what makes an over 50’s man tick.
  • Learn the language men speak and hear.  I’ll give you the exact words that will capture his heart and will have him wanting to do anything to keep you and make you happy. 
  • You’ll discover why you need to STOP over giving and how it actually trains men to do less for you.
  • THIS EMPOWERING step will change your life with men forever!  


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Step #3…Nail Exactly Who Your Guy Is So You Stop Dating The Wrong Men Over and Over Again and Start Dating The Man Who Is Right For You!men over 50

  • Get to know your ideal man like the back of your hand and learn to speak his language
  • Use my super smart Quality Man Template to identify the man who will finally make you happy
  • Gain laser clarity around who you desire that easily attracts men you adore (they will adore you right back)
  • THIS EMPOWERING class will change your life with the men you attract forever!


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Step #4…Discover The Secrets To Navigating and Finding Your Mr. Right Online

woman over 50 online dating

  • Create a profile you love that spotlights your value and sets you apart from everyone else online.
  • Discover the exact type of pictures to post that captures the attention of the men you want to meet.
  • Identify your story that inspires a man to say, “She’s talking about me, I have to write her NOW!”
  • Learn the right dating sites for finding quality men so you aren’t wasting your time online.

Here’s a sneak preview from Module #4 for you to listen in on…


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Step #5…Mastering Boundary and Exit Strategies! Easy Interactions With Men for Even the Stickiest Situations, When To Have Sex and So Much More!coffee date

  • Make sure you’re attracting The Right Men and avoiding conversations with men who are only looking for sex and a booty call.
  • No more confusion on how to tell him NO.  He’ll RESPECT YOU, keep his hands off and still want to date you when you can express your boundaries in a way he’ll hear.
  • Create strategies that honor YOU, not him, when a date has gone bad.  No longer do you have to sit and listen when a date is going nowhere fast.
  •  This class is going to give you all the Do’s and Don’ts that make or break finding love after 50! 


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Step #6…A SMART & Simple Understanding of Meeting Men In The Real World MINUS the Overwhelm and Fear You Often Feel! 

senior couple on city street

  • Take the fear out of meeting men in real life. 
  • Create a simplified plan that shows you how to attract the right men and has you clear on exactly what to do to be successful at meeting men in the real world.
  • Stop wasting opportunities that arise to meet new men everyday in your life. 


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Step #7…Here’s Everything You Wanted to Know About Dating But Had Nowhere To Ask Including How To Avoid Being Scammed!

  • Overcome First Date Faux Pas and learn the smart tips for
  • Black woman over 50 getting that second date with a man you like.
  • Discover how to stop TESTING MEN on a first date and learn exactly how much you should share with him if you want him to call again.
  • Learn when you should pay the bill and when you shouldn’t and why this is so important to getting the relationship you want.
  • Discover how to gracefully exit a date that is going south and how to set boundaries that work when men start pushing you to have sex too soon.  


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Step #8…A SMART & Simple Understanding of Men MINUS the Frustration5 Ways To Get A Quality Man Over 50 To Ask You Out

  • Uncover the secrets to the male mind and heart to attract your Ideal MAN with less effort
  • Discover why men can feel so insecure around women and how this affects your dating life and the love you want to find with a good man.
  • Take the overwhelm out of communicating with men and learn exactly when to have that conversation about “The Relationship.” 
  • Stop wasting your energy expecting men to know what you want.  I’ll show you how to trigger the male response that has men jumping hoops to make you happy.

Every Step is filled with easy to follow advice, tips templates, worksheets and  strategies you can start using right away to find the Quality Man of your dreams!




PLUS….You’re going to have LIFETIME ACCESS to all 8 Steps!

You can listen to these modules and expert interviews over and over again from your smart phone, tablet or computer anytime you want!  I promise that every time you listen, you’ll hear something different, you can use right away to find Your Mr. Right after 50!


imagesAnd you’ll have access to 8 Amazing Experts that will make your over 50’s dating experience a lot more fun and so much easier for you!

I wanted you to have even more fun on your dating journey and that’s why I found 8 Experts to give you great advice on complimentary subjects when it comes to finding love again after 50. Experts like…

Latina woman over 50

  • A private detective who will share how to stay safe online and how to avoid the scammers who have scammed some really intelligent women out there
  • A fashion consultant who shares the best tips for dressing over 50
  • A fun astrologer who shows you another way to choose the men you want in your life
  • A man over 50 who will share the male perspective about finding love and what men are looking for
  • And so much more!


imagesPlus…you’ll have Immediate Access to over 22 hours of recorded Q&A Calls with women facing the same challenges you face with men and dating.

You’ll hear women just like you get answers to the dating frustrations they’re experiencing. My private clients who invest thousands of dollars to work with me have access to these calls too.  They tell me that hearing women talk about their dating challenges on these previously recorded Q&A calls makes them feel better knowing they aren’t the only one feeling this way about men and dating.

Value of Fun Path To Mr. Right Program $1497


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Listening to The Fun Path Q & A Calls made dating easier for me!

Listening to the recorded 14 hours of Q & A calls with Lisa was very  helpful.  It gave me perspective. I am just starting out in the dating world after 38 years. It’s frightening to say the least. Your program is making dating easier for me. Thank you.”  April, Florida 


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Lisa gave me the encouragement I needed to get out there and date again after 10 years!

“Ten years is a long time to heal from marital heartbreak but I finally decided recently that the moment had come to dip a toe in the post-60 dating world, and I joined your Fun Path To Mr. Right Program.  I’m following all the steps and find your guidance authentic and honest…such as letting go of unrealistic expectations about “instant chemistry.” I’m at the beginning of this process but am keeping an open mind and heart, and enjoying the ride. Thanks for providing just the encouragement I need!”  Meredith, Washington DC 


So, now you may be wondering;  Lisa, how EXACTLY are you going to teach me to…

  • Craft my irresistible profile
  • Meet men in real life
  • Learn the language men speak and hear
  • Really maximize every opportunity to date Quality Men
  • All without being overwhelmed or unsure of myself so that I can enjoy the kind of consistent results and ability to get out there and find love again after 50?

Great question!

I’ve designed this program to go much deeper than one of those “in-a-box” info products that gets you all excited and then leaves you alone to struggle your way through finding the time and the focus to get going. Sorry, I care too much to do that to you.

I’m going to hold your hand all the way through this one.

Here’s are the SPECIFICS of how we’re going to do this:

You’ll receive an exclusive link created just for you where you’ll find the entire Fun Path to Mr. Right Program laid out for you in a clear, easy to follow format.

You’ll be guided step by step through the classes, expert interviews and worksheets for each training module.  And you’ll be able to ask me your questions about your dating life in our Facebook Group.

You have nothing to lose and only results to gain. You’re not going to want to miss out on all of this.


But that’s not all!  Get 7 Game-Changing Bonuses!

I know you can have incredible results with these additional bonuses that truly make this course so invaluable

Bonus #1…The Male Perspective on Dating and How A Man’s Mind Works Around Women

You’ll have access to an exclusive interview I did with a Male Coach.  He’ll teach you things about dating you probably never even thought of before but will be glad you have.  This program can turn your dating life around and you can only get it as part of The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program.

Bonus #2…2 Fun Dating Assessments 

Upon registering you will be able to immediately dive in and get started on figuring out the Right Man for you. You’ll be given Two Fun Assessments that will give you clarity about your current dating life and the man you’re looking for. You’re going to love these!

Bonus #3…Transcripts of All 8 Classes (Value $125)

You’ll have access to read the transcripts for each class in The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program. This means depending on your learning style you can read or listen to the classes. Most programs charge for transcripts.  It’s a bonus for you.

Bonus #4… The It’s Never Too Late To Date System (Value: $297)

Including a 170-page Manual and a 68-page Workbook that you can IMMEDIATELY download and start using right away!

Bonus #5…You’ll have access to me to a community of like minded women in our Facebook Group! (Value: $100)

This is a private community, so none of your friends (or ex’s) will know you’re a member of the group.

It’s a place where you can share your ups and downs and get support from a community of women going through the same thing you are.

And I’ll be there to give you quick support and answers to any dating questions you might have as they come up. (Value: $100 but it’s actually priceless to have this type of 24/7 support.)

Bonus #6…My 35 Best First Date Questions Template that take 1st dates from a job interview to fun and relaxing. (Value: $75)


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arrowBONUS #7… A  30 minute 1 on 1 call with Lisa to go over your profile. (Value: $250)


Here’s the difference this BONUS can make in your love life….

Lisa, Wow! What a difference. Before we worked together I was getting a handful of messages a day, but after we polished my profile the response was, well, overwhelming. More than 200 messages in the first week! I had to hide one of the two profiles just to slow it down to a level I could keep up with… and the men who I am meeting are such a better fit for me. The whole process… from our first phone call to my most recent date… has been so much fun. Thank you. 2017 is going to be amazing! Julie, California

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Here’s what women are saying about the results they are getting with The Fun Path To Mr. Right Program……


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Best emotional and financial investment in myself I’ve ever made!

“I’ve always invested in myself when it came to business and doing so always put me ahead in the game. I’d never thought to do this in my personal life when it came to dating. But…I’m glad I did. It’s been the best emotional and financial investment in myself I could have made. Its made my life with men far more fun and so much easier. I am having a great time dating quality men. Thank you Lisa.” -Shelley, Michigan

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I have a new man in my life thanks to what I learned in The Fun Path To Mr. Right Program!

“Hi Lisa, Just thought I’d let you know about the new man in my life and thank you again for your valuable wisdom.  It’s a great story about how we met. The best part was how well versed I felt with my assessment and dating skills when we did meet thanks to what I learned in The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program.”  Anna, California


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I learned how to quickly and easily tell the good guys from the bad ones,
thanks to the Fun Path To Mr. Right!

“I find now that I’ve worked with Lisa’s program, I can quickly screen online profiles and have a brief phone chat to determine who may be a match… and to gracefully disqualify those who definitely are not. This allows me to devote my limited time towards men who have the most potential for me personally. Thank you Lisa.” -Sally


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My relationship with men changed FOR THE BETTER thanks to Lisa’s advice in The Fun Path to Mr. Right!

“After 24 years of marriage, I found myself suddenly single and totally overwhelmed by life and the idea of dating. I had no idea where to begin. When I looked into The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program, I thought, ‘Wow, this is really nice.  Its so informative. Lisa’s program has not only helped me with dating, it’s also helped me have a better outlook on life. I’ve found that I’m learning to deal with men and its helped in all my relationships whether at work, with my neighbors or with the men I want to date. ” Susan, Pa.


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I’m feeling HOPEFUL and READY to meet Mr. Right thanks to The Fun Path!

“I’m a new member of The Fun Path To Mr. Right and I’m really enjoying all the great information you have out there… I’m confident and excited about enhancing my life through new relationships, and who knows, maybe there is a Mr. Right out there for me after all!” -Denise, Maryland 


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Plus you’re protected by my “I Love This Program” Guarantee

guaranteeWe’re confident that when you listen to the classes, the expert interviews and the 14 hours of Q & A calls in “The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program,” you’re going to be thrilled. We also know that if you follow the steps and do the work, you will have a life-transforming experience.

Just to back that up, We’ll give you 30 days to live with the work and REALLY decide if it’s for you… in your heart. If you decide it’s not for you… send us the homework from Module #1 before the end of 30 days and get a full refund. 100%!

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romantic couple over 50

Yes Lisa!
I’m ready to have fun
attracting, meeting
and keeping Mr. Right!

The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program Value: $1497
Plus 7 Game Changing Bonuses Value: $847
Total Value: $2344


$997 or 6 Payments of $179

I understand I’m getting…

check markIMMEDIATE ACCESS to Lisa’s clear, proven 8 Step Plan that teaches you EXACTLY how to attract, meet and keep Mr. Right…FAST! This will be covered in 8 recorded training’s.

Check Mark Immediate access to 8 expert recordings that will make your over 50’s dating experience a lot more fun and so much easier for you!

Check Mark Immediate access to all the worksheets and templates that will guide you on your dating journey.

Check Mark Lifetime access to both the Teaching Modules, The Expert Interviews, and the recorded Q & A calls. I can come back and listen to all of the recordings as often as I want on my smart phone, tablet or computer whenever I want to.

Check Mark Access into your exclusive training center where I will guided through each course module, designed to be quick and simple to navigate.

check mark Access to over 16 hours of Q & A Calls listening to how other women are able to apply the teaching to their specific dating lives.

I will also receive these 6 Love Game Changing Bonuses…

Bonus #1  A Training on The Male Perspective of Dating after 50

Bonus #2  TWO Fun Dating Assessments

Bonus #3  The Class Transcripts (Value $125)

Bonus #4  The Downloadable It’s Never To Late to Date Book and Workbook (Value $297)

Bonus #5  A Facebook Community for support and getting my questions answered by Lisa (Value: $100)

Bonus #6  My 35 First Date Questions Template that take 1st dates from being like a job interview to fun and relaxing. (Value $75)

arrowBONUS #7…. A 30 minute 1 on 1 call with Lisa to go over your profile. (Value: $250)



Now Only $997

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Get Access With 6 Payments of $179

[custom_button text=”Get Access 6 EZ Payments” title=”Get Access” url=”″ padding=”20px 40px” size=”large” bg_color=”#E41A58″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”center” target=”_self”]

Rest easy — your order will be processed on secure servers.


So are you ready to get started? Reserve your space TODAY to start attracting and meeting great men as a result of using what you’ll discover in The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program.


Lisa Sig



Before you go…

Let me be honest here. It doesn’t matter to me if you invest in the program or not.  It DOES, however, matter to me that you MAKE A DECISION about it before you jump off this page. Please don’t let this be another thing you need to “think about.” Nothing will keep you from your dreams faster than delaying decisions. So YES or NO, trust that and move forward. If YES, get started now and learn my system for attracting, dating and keeping Your Mr. Right.

[custom_button text=”Get Started Now” title=”Get Started Now” url=”” padding=”10px 20px” size=”large” bg_color=”#E41A58″ text_color=”#ffffff” align=”center”]


Ready to get started or do you still have questions?

Q: How do I know if this will really work for me?

A: If you feel like there are no good men out there to date, or like dating is yet another dreaded chore to check off your To Do List or everyone you know is out there having fun as couples while you’re sitting at home wondering if he’ll call…The Fun Path to Mr. Right Program is going to be a game changer for you. This program can work for you, no matter how much you’ve struggled with dating so far.

Q:  I’ve tried dating self help books or coaching programs before. How will this be different?

A:  If it seems like other coaches don’t have a clue about dating as a woman over 50—or don’t even speak your language—it’s because they don’t!  Dating at this age is totally different than it was in your 20’s.

Everything has changed, including the rules for dating at this age. I’ve been right where you are now so I know what it’s like to date after 50. That’s why I want you to have the most up to date over 50’s dating tools and skills along with the support you’ll get in our FB community.

You’re going to know the in’s and out’s of online dating and dating in the real world. You’ll know what to say to men that will keep them wanting to see you again and again, how to make first dates sizzle and so much more!

Q:  What if I don’t have the time to do all of this?

A:  The thing I love about the Fun Path to Mr. Right Program is that you can access all of the information anytime and from anywhere on your smart phone, tablet or computer. I know you are as busy as I am so I wanted to make it easy, fun and convenient for you to get everything you need to attract and keep Mr. Right.

I also know that even at a very affordable $997, this is an investment. I want you to make the best investment that you’ll ever make in your love life and it’s NOT going to cost you anywhere near the numbers you’ve spent on clothes to meet men, your favorite ice cream or bottle of wine to make you feel better after a date has gone bad or even a matchmaker.

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Lisa Copeland is like a compass, a guide and a tour director all in one for successful dating after 50

“Getting back into the dating game after 50 (ok, ok after 60) was scary for me. Even though I’ve enjoyed success in every other aspect of my life, dating again felt like wanting to take a trip but not knowing where to start and what to do when I got there. Her step-by-step guidance gave me the courage to step out, reconnect with my feminine side and learn how to speak the language of loving relationships again. Most of all, Lisa helped me avoid mistakes that doomed past relationships. As soon as I began taking her advice I got immediate feedback from men that told me that I had regained my inner glow!” -Flora Ph.D 

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I now have a relationship with a lovely man thanks to your program!

“I am a 48 year old widow and felt ready to try dating again. After working with Lisa I am happy to say that I am now in a relationship with a lovely man, and I know that this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Lisa’s guidance and support!! She really helped me to discover and celebrate how amazing I am, and my confidence has sky rocketed as a result.” -Maxine, UK 

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Become a Quality Man magnet using Lisa’s programs!

“Lisa Copeland’s work is a must do for any woman over 50 who’s even thinking about getting into dating again. It will not only give you the confidence that will attract good men like bees to honey but also be your guide to discovering the new dating rules. Don’t even think about navigating this completely new world without Lisa’s expert advice and compassionate guidance. Her programs will transform you into a quality man magnet!” ~ Maritza, Texas 

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Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. There is no guarantee that you will find and meet a Quality Man.