You BELIEVE in your desires. The wisest part of you is certain that your finding love with a good man is possible NOW, and not sometime in the distant future, but you’re tired and burned out and wrestling with fear and doubt about whether or not you have what it takes to attract him.

You KNOW you are meant to have the man and relationship you want that would make such a difference in your life but you can’t seem to find him no matter how great a profile you have at an Online Dating Site.

You KNOW you’ve had success in other areas of your life but the hours you’re spending trying to move forward (but STUCK in fear and exhaustion) aren’t paying off with meeting the right men for you.


I get it…there’s nothing more exciting & sexy than having the right man come into your life!


There’s such a fire burning within you to have:

  • The confidence and mindset to attract the man you want, so finding love can be fun and easier than its been up to now. 
  • An open heart to FINDING LOVE with a man who will adore and cherish you.
  • More than enough time to LIVE your life on your own terms and spend time with a man you love (dinners together, going out with friends on Saturday night, relaxing vacations at beautiful locations! Why not?)

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Lisa CopelandEmbarrassingly enough, I was in tears on and off for 10 years trying to find love with the right man. I spent a good amount of time on the phone with my sister, looking for outside validation and trying to believe in myself because I didn’t know what else to do. 

So do I know how you feel?

Uh huh. I was YOU.[/message]

That was the moment I decided to invest in myself at a whole new level and get the support I knew I had been going without for far too long.

I made the commitment to myself to emotionally, spiritually and mentally be in the Inner Love Game and get out of my own way. Playing at this new level had me FEELING like anything was POSSIBLE. It was as if the floodgates opened!

I became clear on exactly what I needed to focus on to attract LOVE into my life – and I even enjoyed the process.

I had the tools and skills and now I had my Inner Love Game in place.

This lead me to finding a love I’d only dreamt about, while having fun and enjoying life to its fullest.

With support, I truly mastered my Inner Love Game; put mindsets and new beliefs into place, and confidently stepped into the best version of myself that lead to the success in love that had been eluding me in my life.

What would it be like for you to feel like you knew exactly how to be successful in love the same way you are in the rest of your life? 


My past and current clients have…

  • Improved confidence and self esteem that’s led to dating higher quality men.
  • Gotten crystal clear clarity on their soulmate that allowed them to be in the truly happy relationship they are in today.
  • Went from impatient and almost desperate to enjoying a whole new exciting relationship with themselves that created a fun and exciting opportunity to meet new men who were perfect for them.
  • Broken down the barriers and bad mindset habits that blocked their heart and as a result ended up in the relationship of their dreams!

The bottom line is this…. Their Inner Love Game was the missing piece that was stopping these women from having love in their life until now.

What about you?


Lisa Showed Me How To Trust Myself And Men Again

When we began I was still reeling from my divorce with obvious scars of psychological abuse and the bitterness that goes along with them. You said I could do this and there were good men out there and I decided to trust your word. I went from being impatient, almost desperate to get the next guy so I could stop this online dating to finding it a fun and exciting opportunity to meet great men and make friends!  Couldn’t have done it without you Lisa. Thank you! Lory, Florida


Lisa Helped Me Heal The Areas In My Life That Were Blocking Me From Love

I found Lisa Copeland at just the right time in my life! My divorce had been final for one year so why was I still crying?  Lisa pinpointed at least three areas in my life that still needed healing.  Through powerfully focused sessions, she taught me the tools to open my heart, bring out emotions that I had buried, and helped me to see that the way I looked at men (and myself) just wasn’t working. The initial work I did paved the way for the growth phase of our work together, one that I could use in my newly single state as well as my professional life. Lisa’s coaching is the best investment I made in myself, one that will pay off for years!  P.S. UPDATE- I did get the guy thanks to our work together. Thank you Lisa! Lisa M. Houston, Texas


Lisa Will Prepare You For The Journey Ahead

Lisa is an excellent coach. She covers the practical and the deeper emotional aspects of dating after 50. Lisa on a personal level is warm, intelligent and positive. Her willingness to disclose about her own struggles is also very informative.  If you work with Lisa in any capacity consider yourself lucky and well prepared for the journey ahead. Barb, Maryland


If you’ve been trying to date for years and nothing has happened or if you’re just starting out and you want to open to the possibilities for love with a good man, then this workshop is for you……

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I’d like to invite you to join me for the….

Why Finding The Perfect Guy Is So Frigging Hard Workshop

Discover the Missing Pieces in Your Inner Love Game that Shuts Down Your Ability to Find Love, the Man and the Relationship You Desire

This Saturday, August 19th from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. EDT/ 7 a.m. – 10 a.m. PDT 

(We will be connecting by phone in this Live Virtual Workshop)

I’ve designed this Live Workshop specifically for the woman who is…

  • Successful in life with charisma, edge, & sass yet can’t seem to find love with the right man in her life
  • A savvy woman who is tired of being alone and who is in a rut, stuck or just beginning to date…. has all the tools and skills but is missing the Inner Love Game for finding love with the perfect man for her.
  • An amazing and awesome woman over 50 who has tried everything yet nothing is bringing the love with a good man she yearns for.

So many coaches give you snippets of what you need…the right profile, the best flirting skills, how to kiss a man, how to get him to notice you and how to identify the right man you desire. But with my private clients, the reason they’ve been successful at finding the guy is because they have the Inner Love Game that makes all those dating skills work. This is what you’re going to get in this Game Changing Live Workshop on Saturday.

You’ll learn the how to use the necessary missing pieces of your Inner Love Game that can create the opportunity to attract the perfect man for you.

Yes I’m Ready

[custom_button text=”CLAIM MY SPOT NOW” title=”CLAIM MY SPOT NOW” url=”” padding=”10px 20px” size=”x-large” bg_color=”#E41A58″ text_color=”#ffffff” align=”center”]

Space in this Love Game Changing Workshop is limited to 15 women so you can get individual coaching in a group setting with me.  Don’t Wait!  When the spots are filled, that’s it!



There are things you’re doing and ways you’re thinking that are keeping you from the success you want in attracting love with the perfect man for you into your life.

In this Live Workshop, we’re going to look at how your beliefs about men, love and even about you are stopping you from making your dreams come true.


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This Workshop is for you if….

  • You’re successful in life but not in attracting and finding love
  • You look great, have an amazing profile yet you can’t seem to meet the men you want to meet
  • You’re tired of being alone 
  • You’ve tried everything yet nothing is bringing you the love you want and you don’t know what else to do
  • You’re in a rut, stuck or are just beginning to date.
  • You’d like 1 on 1 coaching in a small group setting

In this Love Game Changing Workshop you’ll discover……

  • 5 specific words you’re using everyday in your life that keep you from attracting the man and relationship you want
  • Where your focus is-most women don’t realize how much they focus on what they DON’T WANT versus what they do want in their lives.
  • How to align your Inner Love Game mentally, spiritually, emotionally and yes even physically for what you want-the perfect man for you
  • How to clean up your baggage…forget his!  It’s yours that is pulling the wrong guys in
  • How to attract a man from love not from anger or sadness (this always attracts Mr. Wrong and its really easy to get into the cycle of dating this guy over and over again when you don’t step into this mindset I’m going to show you.
  • How to stop the downward spiral of helplessness and loneliness
  • The exact Inner Love Game you must come from if love with a good man is what you deeply desire
  • How this workshop can be a Game Changer for finding the perfect man for you and for attracting him into your life.

You’ll come out of this workshop feeling….

  • Happy
  • Joyous, Inspired and Motivated to date again
  • Lighter as if a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders
  • And like you can take on your quest for love and finally succeed this time!



Lisa is the dating coach who understands the challenges of dating over 50

Working with Lisa is terrific! She taught me how to change the way I interact with men. Since I’m in business I was pretty hard-charging, and as a result of her insights I feel softer and better able to communicate with guys, both in person as well as online.  I have a greater sense of ease, I’m more confident, and I’m much clearer about what I want/need in a partner. Dating is fun now and I’ve also taken the learning and used it in business as well!  Lisa is very supportive and responsive. She genuinely cares. She has taught me overall life lessons that go beyond dating to how I think and feel about myself as a person. If you’re looking for a dating coach who understands the challenges of dating over 50 (and even if you’re not over 50), Lisa is the best. Isobel, New York

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The “Why Finding The Perfect Guy Is So Frigging Hard Workshop” Includes:

edited-red-arrow-thThe latest and greatest Training filled with tips, advice, secrets, formulas and downloadable templates designed to help you create an Inner Love Game that can help you meet the perfect man for you. 

I know you can have incredible results that truly make this workshop so invaluable!

edited-red-arrow-th1 on 1 Coaching in our Small Group 

edited-red-arrow-thTime to ask all your questions that helps you quickly get clarity on what’s been holding you back

edited-red-arrow-thLots of discussion and exploration of the content I’ll be sharing. You’re going to love this!

edited-red-arrow-thWe’ll be meeting by phone for this Live Workshop. Details will be sent once you’ve registered.

Investment:  $197

YES Lisa, I’m Ready to Up My Inner Love Game So I Can Finally Have Success Attracting Love Into My Life

I want to join this Game Changing Workshop this Saturday, August 19th

10 a.m. – 1 p.m. EDT/7 a.m. – 10 a.m. PDT

Don’t live in the US? Here’s a time converter link for you: World Clock

[custom_button text=”CLAIM MY SPOT NOW” title=”CLAIM MY SPOT NOW” url=”” padding=”10px 20px” size=”x-large” bg_color=”#E41A58″ text_color=”#ffffff” align=”center”]

Claim your spot now! Space is limited to the first 15 women who are ready to have success in their love life!


Is this the support you need?

Is this the support you know you need?  Where will you be in the next 3-6 months if you continue to go it alone?

I’ve been where you’re standing and I know the power of this Inner Love Work. Get support and promise yourself that you won’t turn around next year, only to find yourself further from your desires and wishing you would have decided to live full out!

Imagine having an open heart that attracts the man you love and the relationship you’ve wanted.  It’s your time to ensure your future and love life on your terms as an edgy, sexy, soulful woman who can finally find success in her LOVE LIFE!

[message type=”custom” width=”100%” start_color=”#FFFFFF” end_color=”#FFFFFF” border=”#000000″ color=”#000000″]

YES Lisa, I’m Ready to Up My Inner Love Game So I Can Finally Have Success Attracting Love Into My Life

I want to join this Live Game Changing Workshop this Saturday, August 19th

10 a.m. – 1 p.m. EDT/7 a.m. – 10 a.m. PDT

Don’t live in the US? Here’s a time converter link for you: World Clock

[custom_button text=”CLAIM MY SPOT NOW” title=”CLAIM MY SPOT NOW” url=”” padding=”10px 20px” size=”x-large” bg_color=”#E41A58″ text_color=”#ffffff” align=”center”]

Claim your spot now! Space is limited to the first 15 women who are ready to have success in their love life!

Once you’ve registered, you’ll get the details for how to join this Live Workshop by phone.







Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. There is no guarantee that you will find and meet a Quality Man.