One Comment

  1. December 2, 2014 at 8:58 am

    Bloomingdale 316

    re: is online dating the only way…
    I get it. Attempting to communicate via typing is not my favorite thing to do, either. Here are some suggestions. Sign up on… You may have to Google the website. It’s free and its groups of people with similar interests. Some are singles groups, others everything from book clubs to yoga. You might meet a single guy, or make a new friend with someone to match you up. Check various churches. Many have an over 50,club or singles club. Volunteer at things. Take a few golf lessons and go to the driving range. Go to a car show, or oldies, blues or jazz fest.Go shoe shopping at a real shoe store.(I work in a ‘better’ shoe store) . Most men will not approach you especially if you are with a girlfriend. So get out, go out, and be ready to give a compliment and smile. Hi, nice shirt. Hi nice car. You won’t meet men at ladies functions. Think… What do men like…. What do I like…. And do it. Build yourself a rich, full happy life. And meet some great people.

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