1. January 12, 2015 at 11:49 am


    Lisa’s RIGHT.

    1st: when meeting online, don’t stay there; get OFF!

    2nd: I’m a never-married, never-engaged, never-cohabitated woman. I’ve taken at least one of Lisa’s classes and found what she offers to be incredibly useful. This is why I still frequent her blog.

    3rd: At 51, I’ve just begun spending time with a man who isn’t my type At ALL, save for some easy characteristics (e.g., he happens to be tall and physically proportionate, never requirements for me before).

    Men and their attractiveness can grow on women. I’ve found this guy (every other woman’s type, it seems, lol) has grown on me, given his willingness to help me, feed me, care for, and comfort me. He’s also pretty strong and outspoken for a younger (yep!) man; he’s also had a world-sized (vs. parochial, insular) life, as the son of immigrant parents. After months of being platonic, we finally crossed into physical/romantic territory recently. It was great and I felt SAFE there, for the first time in at least a decade.

    1. January 12, 2015 at 11:56 am


      Thank you for the compliment Hermione. i’m glad you are using what you’re learning here. That’s the key to successful dating. And I’m so happy to hear you’ve found someone who makes you feel the way you do with him. Keep us posted on how it’s going!!!!!

  2. January 12, 2015 at 1:51 am


    Lisa –

    I agree with you about being on the lookout for “Catfishers”. However, some men are shy, and need a little suggestion or two to move forward with dating. For example, I’ve had to make the suggestion that a certain gentleman and I talked, and then I had to make the suggestion we meet at a local coffee house.

    Although this relationship didn’t work out for us, he’s now seeing a girlfriend of mine – and things are going very well for them. And I’ve learned that sometimes, I have to make the first move.


    1. January 12, 2015 at 11:57 am


      Hi Christine…Leading a man towards what you’d like is fine. The key is doing it in a feminine way and not taking his role away from him. Thanks for sharing your story. Hopefully using everything you’re learning here, you’ll find the right man for you too!

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