Dear Lisa…Does He Or Doesn’t He?
I am over 50 now and a widow. I don’t want to remarry but I do still enjoy sex. My question is: Why is it that men over 50 don’t want to just have sex? Terri
I have to chuckle reading your question because the one I usually get is why do men always want sex.
As we age, our hormones are shifting. For us, we gain testosterone and really come into ourselves seeking our place in the world.
For men, as they’ve gotten older, they have more estrogen and that is why they are far more into nesting and being in a relationship with you.
There are plenty of men out there who would be willing to have sex with you.
When you’re on dating sites, search for men interested in nothing serious, a sexual relationship or just dating.
Make sure you’re profile says the same so they can find you too.
I’m sure you’ll find a man out there happy to oblige.
Just be safe since STD’s in our age group are increasing faster than any other group right now. Good luck to you!
Dear Lisa,
I’m a 54 year old professional woman. Recently, a three month relationship with a man, whom I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with (mutually expressed by both of us), was ended by him.
He claimed it was because I expressed my extreme disappointment of him cancelling plans we had previously made, at the last minute. This was the ninth time he had cancelled on me at the last minute for what I thought were trivial reasons (time got away from him and he had something else he needed to do).
A couple of weeks after ending it, he contacted me again (on Valentine’s day no less) and we chatted, via text, for a couple of weeks. The texts reviewed our relationship, what went wrong, how we could have fixed things, but there was never a mention of getting back together.
Instead, he suggested that we have a “friends with benefits” relationship. He continued to tell me he loved me, but couldn’t be in a committed relationship because of my actions, just that he wanted to have sex with me.
I refused because I don’t engage in this type of relationship. I’m left wondering how a 62 year old man, who is a business executive, thinks I, or any other sane woman for that matter, would be in favor of this type of activity? Is this a new mentality? Joan
I’m sorry this happened to you. There’s a couple of things going on here.
The first three months of any relationship are a honeymoon phase. Everyone is on their best behavior and idiosyncrasies are thought of as cute.
The next phase is a tough one. You start deciding if this is a person you’d like to commit to.
It’s scary for many and what was cute in the first three months becomes annoying in the next three as you evaluate the possibility of a commitment.
This is where your man was. He was scared of committing and began to think of you as controlling.
From what you’ve said this is a man with commitment issues…the 9 cancelled dates say it all.
I know it’s hard because you’d begun to care for him. But this was a gift for you.
If he’s cancelling activities now, in the “I want to IMPRESS you” phase, it would only have gotten worse as time went on.
When you stop and think about it… wouldn’t you rather have a man in your life who’d consistently be there for you?
As for the “friends with benefits” situation, he was displaying one more way he isn’t willing to commit to a relationship. Good for you for trusting your instincts on this.
Get back online and start going out again.
There are plenty of men out there who want nothing more than the opportunity to be in a real relationship with you.
Check out my latest article in the Huffington Post. And, as always, I would love to hear what you think!
Believing in You!
P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50
#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon
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#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group
It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here
#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program
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#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
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