Dear Lisa: Can I Lie About My Age On A Dating Site As A Woman Over 50?


Dear Lisa

Recently, I had a woman in her early 60’s ask me if it was okay to lie about her age on a dating site.  Her friends always tell her how young she looks, so she wondered if it would be okay to fudge her age just a little bit so maybe more men might notice her online.

I want to fill you in on a big secret when it comes to lying about your age…

It doesn’t get more men to notice you.  And if a man meets you and finds out you lied about your age, he thinks you might lie about other things too.  So right off the bat, he doesn’t trust you.  And he doesn’t ask you out again. 

And what happens is… you get frustrated with men and dating.  You start thinking it’s just not worth it any more!  You dread going back online fearing rejection one more time so you QUIT!

I know…dating is hard. But it doesn’t have to be.

Dating really can be so much fun at this age when you know The Secrets To Having Fun Dating After 50.

Take a moment and read about this now… This could change your dating life from one of dread to one that’s fun going out to movies, dinner or on vacation with great men.

The Secrets To Having Fun Dating After 50



Hi Lisa,

Many of the men on and Zoosk state they want a future wife, but, start out just wanting to talk about kissing and sex?!  So, how do you get to know someone if that is all they want to talk about?!  Elva



Men in their 40’s and very early 50’s still have a pretty strong sex drive and will test to see if you might be a willing partner for this activity.  Believe it or not, this is a MAN SPEAK way of complimenting you. Men are letting you know they are attracted to you.

But I know it feels yucky when a man does this… so when this happens you need to use language he can hear and respond to.   You can do this by telling him how uncomfortable you feel talking about this subject before you know each other.

If a man doesn’t honor your feelings, he’s not a Quality Men worth being with.  You also may have something in your profile that is triggering this type of man to constantly be contacting you.  You can find out more about what to include in your profile to attract the men you want to be dating right here in The Secrets To Having Fun Dating After 50.


Dear Lisa,

I have a dating question. I have been dating a guy for a little over a year and our original relationship has morphed into more of a friendship. I want it to be more and he knows that. There is no sex between us. I told him that I thought sex was a natural part of a relationship so he understood that was “in a relationship” and sadly, I doubt that either of us would consider we were in one. He occasionally will treat me like a girlfriend, and gets quite jealous of other fellows but we never cross that line. We are both in our mid 60s and I just need to know for sure if I should just stop seeing him or move on since he is not trying for a relationship with me? We are sooo close but he just won’t take it any further. I hate playing games but have thought maybe I should just pull away and see if he will take the step. It would be too awkward to have “the talk” at this stage. He has always known what I want. I have had enormous patience but need to find my last lifetime partner. Please advise.  Cuddles



Men are very honest about what they are thinking.  He obviously likes your companionship and friendship.  Either he’s not interested in an intimate relationship or it’s possible he has some type of sexual dysfunction going on that he may be embarrassed to share with you.

If you are okay with a friendship knowing this is all he is capable of, then stay.  If you want more, don’t play games with him.  Share with him what you’d like in a relationship.  Then ask something like, “What are you looking for?”

The ball is in your court now and it’s up to you to decide if what he’s able to give is enough for you.


Hi Lisa,

How does a young, 70 year old woman whose husband of 42 years passed away 3 years ago go about initiating contact with an old flame? We’ve had no contact for over 40 years and I don’t know what his status is — would just like to contact as an old friend but I’m not sure how to take the first step. I have only an address and phone number. I keep getting stuck at, “What do I say after I say hello!” Your thoughts? Mary Ann


Mary Ann,

The easiest way to make this connection is by asking a friend to bring the two of you together.  If that’s not possible, look on Facebook and see if he is on there. If so, you can either Instant Message or Friend him.

See if you can get his email address from someone you both know.  You can write an email or if you’re brave, call him and say something like, “I was looking at old yearbooks and saw your picture.  It brought back some really nice memories and I was wondering what had happened to you.  I asked around and so and so gave me your number so I’d thought I’d call to see how you are.”

Most people love reconnecting from their past.  The key is not having any expectations other than to say hi to an old friend.  Let me know how it goes.



Dear Lisa,

I have met someone and we have been together/see each other for three months, it has been so intense with the texting aspect, day and night. I have fallen in love and lost reason, and I cannot manipulate the relationship.  He is still seeing his girlfriend of over a year. This is probably the warning sign, but he has seemed so full on with us, and I have become that way too, and now he has me, and when I become more demanding of him, he backs off saying he only wants a casual relationship, can’t commit and is still seeing the girlfriend.  Can you advise me, about my stupidity? Thanks Lisa,  Michelle

P.S. Your site is wonderful and what a sense of hope you provide us.



Thank you for your compliment.  As for your question, I’m sorry to tell you this but this man is using you.  Run NOW…don’t walk and find a true Quality Men to date who only wants to be with you.

Men are super honest about what they want and this man’s been clear telling you he’s not looking for anything more than a casual relationship with you.

You can’t change him and when you really think about it, I’m sure you’d agree you don’t want a man who thinks its okay to have a girlfriend on the side.  If he did it to his old girlfriend, he’ll do it to you too and you deserve so much better.

These are they types of questions women struggle with everyday that keep them miserable when it comes to dating over 50.  If you are ready to finally start having fun dating…be sure to check out The Secrets To Having Fun Dating After 50 while you can.

Have a great week!


Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

1 Comment
  1. I prefer honesty, but I found that a lot of women fudge their age on dating sites. As long as it’s no more than 2-3 years, and she comes clean either in the body of her profile or on the first date, it’s no big deal to me. For me, it’s much important that the woman’s photos be accurate than her age be fudged by a couple of years.

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