I’m 73 look years younger have a really good profile up on a dating site,good photos of myself,but no one that interest me will respond! men that I find that I would match up with want 30 somethings. The pickings are very small for women my age.
March 2, 2015 at 6:24 pm
Lisa…some of those men you think you don’t want might make great boyfriends. They are worth giving a chance unless you’re more committed to “the pickings are very small for women my age.” What do you have to loose? Nothing. What do you have to gain? A great companion. Hugs to you~
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March 2, 2015 at 6:19 pm
I’m 73 look years younger have a really good profile up on a dating site,good photos of myself,but no one that interest me will respond! men that I find that I would match up with want 30 somethings. The pickings are very small for women my age.
March 2, 2015 at 6:24 pm
Lisa…some of those men you think you don’t want might make great boyfriends. They are worth giving a chance unless you’re more committed to “the pickings are very small for women my age.” What do you have to loose? Nothing. What do you have to gain? A great companion. Hugs to you~