Hi Theresa…A man has to be pretty skilled to be able to shift the direction of a conversation like this. I feel its the responsibility of both the man and the woman to make a date fun and you can only do that if you’re going into it with the idea of having fun versus finding a person to marry on date #1. Thanks Theresa for sharing this so more women understand what they are really doing on a date.
July 23, 2013 at 4:15 pm
Hi Lisa,
I did get your blog message yesterday and thought the first one was interesting because one of the guys I met on match, whom I never met in person because he didn’t want to drive more than five miles to meet a woman, told me he wasn’t seeing anyone but had had quite a few interviews, which he later told me were more like interviews than dates. It made me wonder why he didn’t ensure his first dates were fun.
I tend to go to first date as if it were a job interview. I’ve been on MANY job interviews in the last 5 yrs and I think I just gravitate right toward that.
July 23, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Hi Nancy….I think dates would be a lot more fun if you could go on them with the intention of just meeting someone new and interesting. It’s pretty hard to see if someone is right for you on date #1. There are a lot of women who totally didn’t like a man the first time they met yet ended up falling in love with them over time. It’s why I always encourage women to give a man a chance if he’s nice. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
July 23, 2013 at 4:27 pm
Hi Theresa…A man has to be pretty skilled to be able to shift the direction of a conversation like this. I feel its the responsibility of both the man and the woman to make a date fun and you can only do that if you’re going into it with the idea of having fun versus finding a person to marry on date #1. Thanks Theresa for sharing this so more women understand what they are really doing on a date.
July 23, 2013 at 4:15 pm
Hi Lisa,
I did get your blog message yesterday and thought the first one was interesting because one of the guys I met on match, whom I never met in person because he didn’t want to drive more than five miles to meet a woman, told me he wasn’t seeing anyone but had had quite a few interviews, which he later told me were more like interviews than dates. It made me wonder why he didn’t ensure his first dates were fun.
July 23, 2013 at 12:54 pm
Nancy Kay
I tend to go to first date as if it were a job interview. I’ve been on MANY job interviews in the last 5 yrs and I think I just gravitate right toward that.
July 23, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Hi Nancy….I think dates would be a lot more fun if you could go on them with the intention of just meeting someone new and interesting. It’s pretty hard to see if someone is right for you on date #1. There are a lot of women who totally didn’t like a man the first time they met yet ended up falling in love with them over time. It’s why I always encourage women to give a man a chance if he’s nice. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.