Isn't it time to attract the love of your life for REAL, without relying on internet dating sites or apps?

It starts with knowing where and how to find the right man in REAL LIFE!

You’ve invested time, money and effort on dating sites or apps only to find that you STILL haven’t met MR. RIGHT.

Maybe you’ve had some good dates here and there, but finding the right man online just isn’t happening for you, and the thought of getting back ONLINE feels exhausting! 

What you really want is to meet a man in Real Life but you feel like you don’t know HOW to make that happen.

Sound familiar?

Perhaps you’re NOT SURE:

  • Where the good guys hang out in the Real World.
  • What you should do to meet a man in Real Life.
  • How to approach a man without fearing rejection.

The wisest part of you knows that finding love in the second half of your life is possible NOW, not sometime in the distant future. Yet, you’re tired of wrestling with fear and doubt about whether you have what it takes to get it.

You KNOW you are meant for a great relationship, but you can’t seem to find the perfect man—especially on a dating site or app that doesn’t showcase your true value.

WHY does it seem like you’re doing everything that everybody else is doing, but at the end of the day, you’re up at night worrying about why you’re still alone? Meanwhile, the rest of the world is traveling on vacations, going out with couple friends on weekends, and sharing dinner with someone special every night.

You’re a remarkable woman, successful in numerous aspects of your life. But when it comes to finding that special man in REAL LIFE, you feel something is missing.
Somewhere in the mix of not knowing how to flirt, your fears about saying the wrong thing, and not knowing how to encourage a man to ask for your number, the essentials of finding love in the real world have slipped away. Even more challenging is that this cycle is holding you back, making you feel inadequate in attracting the men you desire.
So my question for you is . . . Are you ready to stop struggling and start having fun meeting men in real life?

I’m getting married thanks to what I learned from Lisa about meeting men in real life!

I was really have no luck with Online Dating. Lisa’s From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life showed me how to hone my skills with men in real life. Wow, it worked. I met my future husband this way. This program really works!” Diane, Chicago

Are you ready to step into your most confident and empowered self, the version of you who easily meets men in real life?

Do you long for guidance that boosts your confidence and shows you how to effortlessly approach men?

Are you ready to take control of your love life, choosing who you truly want to date, and building the meaningful, serious relationship you’ve been dreaming of?

Are you prepared to step out of overwhelm and uncertainty when it comes to daily interactions with men?

Imagine having a dependable, easy-to-follow plan for meeting men and effortlessly knowing how to flirt with them.

Just think how profoundly this could transform and enhance your love life!

Are you ready to meet more men without relying on an Internet Dating Site?

It’s time to pull all of the pieces together and take your Dating Life to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

No, this isn’t about making things complicated.

Let’s keep it simple and smart.

We’ll create just the right amount of flirting and sexual tension to make men want to get to know you better, while injecting fun back into your dating routine. This approach will help you get more dates and make it possible to find love with the right man for you at this stage in your life!

introducing. . .

"From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life"

get the guy

Unlock the Formula for Finding Love With A Good Man Whether Your in Your 50’s, 60’s or 70’s without relying on dating sites and apps!

Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this course designed to help you MEET MEN in REAL LIFE as quickly as possible.

Feel inspired, motivated and confident as you embark on this journey equipped with strategies and tools tailored to attract an amazing man into your life – just like many of my successful clients have done.

Whether you're new to dating or have been on the search for love for some time, this course is for women ready to open their hearts and finally create the fulfilling relationship they desire. Join this transformative journey today.

Lisa’s strategies for meeting men in real life really work!

Hi Lisa, this is my encouragement for others to use your From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life.  It was very helpful for me. Once I got through the program, a light went on. I’m telling you LADIES the strategies that Lisa suggests really WORK! I now feel confident and safe having casual conversations with men whenever I am out and about in the city. – Yaz, Kansas

I now have the Confidence to start looking for a man in real life

The exercises you recommended in this training are right-on!  After doing From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life, I feel so positive and confident about approaching men wherever I am.  And I don’t have to rely solely on Internet Dating anymore. Thank you Lisa! – Dee, Ohio

YES, I’m Ready to Find Love with the Right Man in the Real World!
Cute couple on a date at the cafe
I want immediate access to this comprehensive training that offers invaluable tools for meeting men organically and a guide for navigating the local dating scene to attract the man I’ve been seeking!

“From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life”

Regularly $197 Limited Time Sale $97

Don’t Miss Out!  The Sale Ends Sunday at Midnight

This course offers EVERYTHING YOU NEED To Confidently Meet Men in REAL LIFE including:
  • EXACTLY how to talk to men and expertly guide the conversation while STAYING TRUE TO YOURSELFmen over 50 in a line
  • Discovering what makes you unique and draws your dream man towards you in real life.
  • Learning the BEST Places To Meet Men, saving you from the overwhelming task of figuring it out alone.
  • Learning to show your playful side that charms men and makes and make them eager to know more about you.
  • Developing a deep sense of ease in approaching a quality man wherever you find yourself.
  • Confidently turning your fears and doubts about starting conversations with men into a positive mindset, viewing it as a vital step towards finding your ideal partner.
  • Cultivating excitement for the amazing men you’ll date by mastering the art of meeting men in real life.

"From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life"


Lisa You Really Helped Me Turn My Social Life Around!

Lisa, I just have to thank you!  Thanks to From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life, I have a new attitude about dating.  I’m having so much fun meeting great men, and I have their companionship to do a lot of the things I want to do.  If a relationship comes from it great, if not, as you say, I’ve met someone new and interesting to have fun with.  You’ve really helped me turn my social life with men around (from nothing to having lots of dates & lots of fun). Thanks so much!  Susan, Chicago

Maria met a wonderful man with a heart of gold 

I learned to attract so many good quality men using the From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life. Lisa’s program enabled me to put all the skills & tips to work so the reward was meeting this wonderful man with a heart of gold in my singles golf league.  Lisa your program made my dreams come true! Maria, New Jersey

It works!!!!

Lisa. . . I’ve been applying so much of what you’ve taught in From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life. It is all true and it works!  I’m having the time of my life meeting great men in my own backyard. Thank you so much!!!!! – Allison, California

Met The Perfect Man Thanks To Lisa’s Program! 

I just wanted to tell you what you teach in From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life really helped me to find a quality man!!! I cannot thank you enough for putting the information out there to help us navigate this dating thing in a brave new world of dating sites. I met an amazing man who is the absolute perfect guy for me in so many ways, it is scary.  He is also 4 years younger than me (most of the other guys that contacted me were my age or older).  So, all this to say that I took your advice to heart, and here I am with a quality man!  Thank you so much for what you do! – Elena, Louisiana


The truth is, achieving results like these women are experiencing in meeting men organically has never been easier!

Discover techniques in this course that can transform your dating life and help you find love the old-fashioned way, away from online dating sites.

In the past, approaching men without fear was a skill possessed by only a few. Today, despite our tech-savvy world, meeting Mr. Right can still be a challenge.

This course opens up new opportunities for meeting the right man in ways you never dreamed of. Learn how to meet men in real life and turn those dreams into reality!

If you are. . .

  • A single woman in her 50’s, 60’s or 70’s who is tired and burned out from Online Dating and is seeking a new way to meet men. 
  • Looking to meet a good man in the REAL WORLD and enjoy the companionship and fun you crave.
  • Ready to confidently attract a quality man into your life organically.
  • Ready to face fears, seek the right tools, and take action to make your dreams come true.
  • Sooo ready and excited about a fulfilling relationship.
  • Ready to let go of doubt and claim your worth as a heartfelt and unstoppable woman who goes after her dreams!


Then, I encourage you to take the first step and enroll in the From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life

YES, I’m Ready to Find Love with the Right Man in the Real World!
Meeting Men in Real LIfe
I want immediate access to this comprehensive training that offers invaluable tools for meeting men organically and a guide for navigating the local dating scene to attract the man I’ve been seeking!

“From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life”

Regularly $197 Limited Time Sale $97

Don’t Miss Out!  The Sale Ends Sunday at Midnight

What I’m offering you is a chance to go further, faster.

I’ve tested and tweaked what works, so you have less to do. I’m giving you the very best of what has women just like you meeting men in real life and having fun doing it.

A lot of my clients who met their boyfriends and husbands in Real Life told me they never would have believed it was possible to flirt and play with any man they wanted to meet. All they’d ever known was being chosen by the Wrong Men Online they had no interest in meeting.

Here’s How “From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life” Can Change Your Love Life. . .

  • Discover the exact actions you need to take around men that make them want to meet you.
  • Step into a mindset that gives you a clear vision of how to play the game of meeting men in real life. This is vital for finding the kind of love you want with a man in the real world.
  • Learn how your body language can send the wrong signals and what you can do instead to draw men you meet in real life into your life.
  • Stop wasting time repeating the same unsuccessful patterns. Stop wasting time repeating the same unsuccessful patterns. Discover simple strategies that can show you how to attract the right man for you in REAL LIFE.
  • Learn how to get a man to notice you without being aggressive – a huge male turn off for men. This secret alone will attract more quality men than you ever imagined.
  • Finally understand the real truth about Meeting Men in Real Life and use a step by step formula I’ve created for you to get awesome results with Quality Men the old fashion way while having fun in the process!
  • And so much more!
happy couple over 50Every minute you delay getting the Meet Men in Real Life Course is another minute you remain invisible to men not on Dating Sites. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to find the man and relationship you desire. Benefit from this innovative program to quickly and easily establish a meaningful connection with the quality man you deserve in your life.

The “From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life” Includes:

edited-red-arrow-thThe Latest Training Modules: Filled with practical tips, advice, formulas, methods and templates to help you meet the right men in real life.

edited-red-arrow-thAccess: Start this Course instantly on your smartphone, computer, or tablet.

edited-red-arrow-thLearning: Listen and re-listen anytime, anywhere, and proceed at your own pace. 

Embark on this journey to find your right partner and create the life you desire with this comprehensive and accessible program. 

Get ready for an incredible journey with these game-changing bonuses included:

I know you can have incredible results with these additional bonuses that truly make this course so invaluable! 

edited-red-arrow-thBonus #1 – My Feelings Checklist – Quickly identify the men who resonate with you and those who don’t. 

edited-red-arrow-thBonus #2 – A Special interview with Love Expert Larry Michel on what truly defines a Quality Man for you. It’s a must-listen! 

YES Lisa, I’m Ready to Find Love with the Right Man in the Real World!

Mr. Right

I want IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this comprehensive program filled with essential tools for meeting men in real life and navigating the local dating scene to attract my perfect match. 

“From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life”

One Payment of $197 

Or Two Payments of $99

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Guarantee
If From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life doesn’t show me exactly how to Get more “yes’s” and less “no’s” in Real Life from the good men I want in my life. . . if it doesn’t take me by the hand, step-by-step for meeting and speaking to men in real life. . . or if it fails to help me Feel BIG gratitude and excitement for the amazing men I’ll date as a direct result of From Hello to Lasting Love: A Course for Meeting Men in Real Life then I understand that I will receive a full refund!  All I have to do is show that I’ve completed the homework in Part #1 and send it to

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. There is no guarantee that you will find and meet a Quality Man.