Isn’t it YOUR Time To Attract The Love of Your Life For REAL this time?
It starts with your Irresistible Profile!
Are you tired of feeling like being in a relationship is happening for everyone EXCEPT you?
You feel like you’ve invested time, money and effort in your profile and dating sites time and time again, only to find that you STILL haven’t met MR. RIGHT?
Maybe you’ve had some good dates here and there, but finding the right man isn’t happening for you, and the amount of revving up it takes to get back out there ONLINE again feels exhausting!
Sound familiar?
Perhaps at the end of each day you wonder . . .
- Where the good guys are online (and you’re feeling like time’s running out and you’re still ALONE!)
- What EXACTLY you should be doing so you can attract the RIGHT MAN for you.
- How to get good men to write and ask you out consistently online.
The wisest part of you is certain that your dream of finding love after 50 is possible NOW, and not sometime in the distant future, but you’re tired of wrestling with fear and doubt about whether or not you have what it takes to get it.
You KNOW you are meant for a great relationship but you can’t seem to find those perfect men or put the value of who you are in your profile!
WHY does it seem like you’re doing everything that everybody else is doing? But at the end of the day, you’re up at night worrying about why you’re still alone and the rest of the world is traveling on vacations together, going out with couple friends on weekends and sharing dinner with someone special every night.
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You’re a good woman who is successful in so many areas of her life.
But the truth is when it comes to finding that special one online, you’re missing something.
Somewhere in the mix of your Online Dating Profile, the dating sites you’re on, your mindset, and the way you’re spending your time online trying to build your love life. . . the ESSENTIALS to having an Irresistible Profile that attracts Mr. Right have been lost.
What’s worse, it’s keeping you trapped in a vicious cycle of feeling alone.
Are you ready to STOP climbing uphill online?
Are you ready to have a profile that finally attracts the love of your life after 50?
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Vi Went From Single and Alone to Attracting Love And A Quality Man After 50!
Lisa. . . thank you for the great insight into myself and men. I met a wonderful man in August on Match, and we are MADLY in LOVE!!!!! He is perfect for me. He appreciates me as a woman and all of my girly girlness, which is funny considering how I had no clue what that even meant before working with you! Thank you so much. Lots of love.” -Vi
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Hi, I’m Lisa Copeland
Embarrassingly enough, I was in tears on and off for 10 years trying to find love with the right man online. My profile wasn’t attracting men much less the right man.
So do I know how you feel?
Uh huh. I was YOU.
I was failing at Online Dating and finding the relationship I wanted with no faith that this could change.
When I first began dating I watched soooo many of my friends find GREAT MEN AND GOOD RELATIONSHIPS ONLINE, while I was out there trying trying to date and getting ZERO results.
My heart hurt, excruciatingly. . .
I started to worry that I didn’t have what it takes, that maybe I wasn’t as smart or persistent as I thought I was.
I even started worrying that I didn’t have the passion, or the sex appeal that other women had and that I maybe I would never get my dream man.
Maybe “finding love at my age” was just a myth that gets women to pull their credit cards out, join dating sites and chase a pipe dream???
After all, when I first began, I had no clue what I was doing and I wasn’t getting dates with anyone, much less someone worth dating.
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What I DID have was PERSISTENCE.
I had promised myself that I would never give up. Eventually, a big piece clicked. . .
In truth, I had been treating my dating life like a mission instead of
having fun traveling this new journey.
I continually signed up on different dating sites from a place of fearing failure, instead of what was actually possible if I had the right profile. I came to realize just how much was missing from my Online Dating Journey that was keeping me from getting my dreams.
Finally, finally, finally, I began learning about how to write a profile that would get me noticed by good men online and would attract the RIGHT MAN FOR ME.
I researched everything I could get my hands on about writing profiles and tested it. I began to trust my own intuition, my own desires. And I became conscious of the difference this was making in my dating life.
Accompanied by my fears that I would make another mistake and fail yet again, along with some courage and a little FAITH, I wrote a profile that started attracting good men.
And thanks to the right profile, the right pictures and the right dating sites, I began having fun dating and for the first time I allowed myself to believe I could make my dream come true of finding love after 50.
- I figured out exactly what men were looking for in a woman’s profile that led to meeting some really interesting good men that actually gave me loads of, you guessed it, CONFIDENCE around men!
- I spoke the language men speak and hear in my profile and that attracted Quality Men who wanted to meet me! For the first time, men were saying. . . “When I read you’re profile, I knew you were looking for me! I couldn’t wait to me you.”
- I was out there attracting AWESOME MEN with the right profile and the right pictures on the right dating sites
- And I was having fun!!!!
My client Jane took everything I taught her about Online Dating and began having the same results!
Lisa’s Knowledge About Writing My New Profile Was Invaluable To My Success Online
After my marriage of 20 plus years ended, I wanted to date but I wasn’t sure how or where to begin. One of the first things Lisa did was help me discover myself again. Then she encouraged me to try online dating. We worked on my profile together and once it was posted, I heard from men right away. Who knew I’d have so much fun dating at this age? Lisa’s positive outlook coupled with her warmth, compassion and knowledge were invaluable to my success. I can’t thank her enough! Jane, Ohio
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Are you ready to have the type of Irresistible Profile that creates the success you desire in your dating life?
Do you CRAVE the kind of support that allows you to feel CONFIDENT and CLEAR about EXACTLY what to say in your profile so you can finally ATTRACT THE MEN YOU’D LOVE TO DATE plus have some serious fun finding the relationship you desire?
Are you prepared to step OUT of overwhelm and feeling stuck when it comes to online dating and finding love after 50?
Would having an IRRESISTIBLE PROFILE and the PICTURES that attract good men on the right DATING SITES change your love life?
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Ready To Attract More Quality Men and
Make Finding Love After 50 Fun and Easy
It’s time to pull all of the pieces together and get your Online Dating Life running at a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.
No, this isn’t about making things complicated.
Let’s keep it simple, let’s be smart about over 50’s dating, and add having a FUN DATING LIFE back into your routine by getting you support and Online dating tools, so you can GET MORE DATES and FIND LOVE AFTER 50 WITH THE RIGHT MAN FOR YOU!
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Introducing This Audio Training You Can Immediately Access. . .
‘The Creating Your Irresistible Profile Training’
This is the training you need for finding Love after 50 Online!
You’ll get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this training for ATTRACTING your Mr. Right and can have your irresistible profile up on a dating site attracting quality men by the end of the weekend.
Not only will you feel great dating online after 50 but you’ll also have the Online Dating strategies and tools my clients have used to attract amazing men.
The Creating Your Irresistible Profile Training is about attracting an authentic relationship that is natural, full of integrity, and soooooo fun for you and your potential partner.
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Thanks to Lisa, my profile has had more activity in 24 hours than it had in a year!
Its only been about 24 hours since I put my new profile and pictures online. 49 men want to meet me, 14 have written to me including 2 of my “top ten prospects” as have two other men I really would be interested in talking to. And the notes are so flattering and sweet. This is more activity than I’ve had in a year. You are a genius 🙂 🙂Laurie, New York
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In The Creating Your Irresistible Profile Training. . .
You’ll learn everything you need to:
- Get more “yes’s” and less “no’s” online from the men you want in your life.
- The SCOOP on the Best Dating Sites that are right for you. . . what works for another woman might not work for you.
- Feel crazy confident about being able to attract a good man online.
- Get noticed by Quality Men online and put an end to spending hours chasing them.
- Create a happy and joyous relationship with a great man you met online.
- Feel BIG gratitude and excitement for the amazing men you’ll date as a direct result of CREATING YOUR IRRESISTIBLE PROFILE.
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The Creating Your Irresistible Profile Training!
What I Learned From You Lisa Really Works!
I just wanted to tell you that the things you teach in Creating Your Irresistible Profile class really helped me to find a quality man!!! I cannot thank you enough for putting the information out there to help us navigate this dating thing in a brave new world of Internet dating sites. One of the things you said to do was to put it out there on the dating site profile that you are looking for marriage, if in fact, you are. So, I did put that in my profile. Still got interest and met the most amazing man as a result! Thank you Lisa. Patrice, Florida
Lisa’s Profile Advice Changed My Dating Life!
I’ve been single for over 10 years and have done my share of online dating and meeting men. Within the past six months, I stopped dating and firmly decided that I would not meet a man online. Then I met Lisa Copeland. I was not looking for another coach or advice when I met Lisa. During our conversation, she offered to look at my dating profile. I was so surprised to find out that my profile needed great improvement. I listened and decided to give Lisa’s advice a try, halfheartedly I might add. Lisa is RIGHT ON! I met two great men and had several responses almost immediately. Listen to Lisa Copeland. She knows her material and what women need to do over 50! Patricia, Rhode Island
Finally Cracked The Code For Online Dating Thanks To Creating Your Irresistible Profile
Purchased “Creating Your Irresistible Profile.” Even though I have spent my entire professional life working around men, I couldn’t crack the code for online dating and this alone was worth the investment. Changed my profile, made a few other tweaks and the difference has been night and day, within 24 hours. Well done! Elaine, Arizona
Met my guy online and am now engaged thanks to this training!
Lisa, wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. I purchased one of your programs, the one that talked about creating online profiles. That rewrite is what attracted my now fiancee. Can’t thank you enough! Kelly, California
The truth is, to get results like these women are getting
has never been easier!
The tools that technology has given us to make a huge impact in the dating world and to find a Quality Man is BEYOND anything that’s ever existed. Now, a global world of men is at your finger tips once you have the right profile and are on the best dating sites for attracting them.
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Ready to Find Love Online with your Irresistible Profile?
Yes Lisa. . . I want IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this jammed packed training filled with invaluable advice on creating my Irresistible Profile along with tips for navigating the Online Dating scene that can attract the man I’ve been looking for!
Creating Your Irresistible Profile
Only $197
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Here’s How The Creating Your Irresistible Profile Training Can Change Your Love Life. . .
- Discover how to create a profile that has men stepping up to meet you.
- Step into a mindset that gives you a clear vision of the Online Dating Game. . . This is vitally important for finding the kind of love you want online.
- Learn which pictures you might be posting are turning men off and what you can do instead to draw the quality man you want into your life.
- Stop wasting time doing the same thing over and over again that isn’t working online and discover the Simple Strategies I used that can show you how to attract the right man for you.
- Learn how to get a man to notice you online without being aggressive. . . a huge male turn off. This secret alone will get more Quality Men noticing you online than you could have imagined.
- Finally learn the real truth about Online Dating and use a step by step formula I’ve created for you to get awesome results with Quality Men Online.
- And so much more!
Julie had more than 200 messages in the first week after working 1 on 1 with Lisa on her new profile!
Lisa, Wow! What a difference. Before we worked together I was getting a handful of messages a day, but after we polished my profile the response was, well, overwhelming. More than 200 messages in the first week! I had to hide one of the two profiles just to slow it down to a level I could keep up with. . . and the men who I am meeting are such a better fit for me. The whole process. . . from our first phone call to my most recent date. . . has been so much fun. Thank you Lisa!
P.S .You talk about making a man your hero. . . well mine literally met me in the parking lot wearing a superman cape over his nice dress clothes and presented me with flowers! Julie, California
How many Quality Men have you met Online in the past month?
0, 1, 5?
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The Creating Your Irresistible Profile Training includes:
The best over 50’s Online Dating Audio Training filled with tips, advice, secrets, formulas and templates so you can create the type of profile that has men saying, “I have to meet you!” Plus, you can ACCESS this Audio Class right away on your smart phone, computer or tablet which means you can listen and re-listen anytime and from anywhere you want, and go at a pace that is perfect for you!
My 4 Step Profile Template for writing the type of profile that has Quality Men stepping up to meet you!!!! Plus lots of Profile Templates you can use that have helped my clients successfully find love online with a good man.
A Special Report called “What Not To Write In Your Profile.” You’ll discover what you shouldn’t be writing in your profile! Big Aha moments here.
Exclusive Interview with a private detective who will share with you exactly what you need to do to stay safe in today’s dating world.
Plus these 3 crazy awesome, super high value BONUSES – designed specifically to fast track your Online Dating success and get you ready for finding Mr. Right online fast!
Bonus #1 – Your 1st Date Cheat Sheet
I’m going to give you 21 Tips guaranteed to help you have an amazing 1st Date
Bonus #2 – Staying Safe Online Interview with Julie Natashaway of
Julie was dating a man who hid the fact he was going back to prison. She shares this story with you in this compelling interview that ultimately lead to her creating a company that helps women stay safe online. The tips she’ll share can help you avoid the heartache of getting involved with scammers in the online world.
Bonus #3 – An amazing interview with Renee Fisher, a leading author and blogger
At the age of 59, Renee married her husband after finding love on a Dating Site. She shares her experiences and gives you hope that finding love with a quality man after 50 is possible along with valuable tips and advice for finding your Mr. Right.
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(Hint: Yes You Do!)
If you are. . .
- A single woman over 50
- Looking to meet a good man online and have the companionship and fun with him you’ve desired
- Ready to create an irresistible profile and stand powerfully for your mission and goals of attracting him
- Ready to let go of your fear of success and get the support + do what it takes to make your dreams a reality
- Sooo ready for the big, sexy, wonderful relationship
- Ready to let go of doubt and claim your worth as a heartfelt and unstoppable woman who goes after her dreams
Then I invite you to get your hands on this Training Right Away!
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Ready to Find Love Online with
your Irresistible Profile?
Yes Lisa. . . I want IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this jammed pack training filled with invaluable advice on creating your Irresistible Profile along with tips for navigating the Online Dating scene that can attract the man you’ve been looking for!
Only $197
Two EZ Payments $99 each
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Would You Like To Work 1 on 1 with Lisa to Make Sure You Have The Right Profile for Attracting and Meeting A Quality Man Online?
The 1 on 1 Platinum Package includes. . .
- IMMEDIATE ACCESS to Creating Your Irresistible Profile Training including the Templates, Reports and Bonuses
- PLUS 2. . . 30 Minute 1 on 1 Private Coaching Sessions with Lisa to go over your profile, pictures and the dating sites that are perfect for you to meet your ideal man!
(I’ll be sending you a link to my calendar to sign up for your sessions once you’ve purchased the class)
Every minute you wait to get the “Creating Your Irresistible Profile ” training is another minute you’re staying invisible online and not having the man and relationship you want as a result. . . instead of using this breakthrough training to quickly and easily get more “yes’s” and less “no’s” online from good men you want in your life. and more!
100% Guarantee

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our training and its potential. The testimonials and examples used not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. There is no guarantee that you will find and meet a Quality Man.