8 Tips Every Woman Needs To Know About Men Over 50

Closeup of handsome senior man with grey hair

Growing up, we weren’t taught who men really are and what makes them tick.

I know I wasn’t and in the past, I made huge mistakes that ended up emasculating men.

It’s a huge part of what led me to helping women really understand who men are . . . especially over 50’s men.

That’s why I wrote these 8 tips about men you can use right away in your own dating life.

These tips have made a huge difference in the lives of my clients.

Many tell me they wish they’d known this when they were married.

Tip #1 – Appreciate a man for who he is.

Men are wonderful but they aren’t women.

They don’t think like women nor do they communicate like women.

That’s because women come from a place of what’s best for the community and men come from wanting to be your hero.

If you expect a man to communicate like a woman, you’re guaranteed to be disappointed.

Tip #2 – Men over 50 are very masculine and they love when you bring this trait out in them.

Men have no interest in competing with you and that’s exactly what they see it as when you approach them as an Alpha Female.

For a man, this is like dating another man and he isn’t interested in dating men.

The key is learning to come into your true feminine power – your heart.

This is your strength and it compliments a man’s masculine power.

When you do this, he’ll jump through hoops to make you happy.

Tip #3 – Men show you love with their actions.

Hollywood has messed with our heads on this one.

On the big screen, they show us men like Tom Cruise’s character in the movie, Jerry McGuire.

Think back to when he professed his love with the romantic words, “You complete me.”

Real men show you their love by cutting your grass and giving you their coat when you’re cold.

If you expect love to come in words . . . you could be waiting a very long time.

Tip #4 – Men want to give to you.

Let them open the door for you or change that light bulb you can’t reach.

It makes them happy to please you.

All they want in return is to be appreciated and thanked.

If you do this, they’ll do anything you want, which leads us to Tip #5.

Tip #5 – Don’t criticize the job a man is doing for you.

He’s doing his best and yes, you may be able to do it better or faster than he can but don’t . . . it makes him feel emasculated.

If he’s offered to do something for you, allow him to do it his way.

Otherwise, the next time you ask for help, he’ll tell you to hire a handyman.

He doesn’t want the aggravation of not being able to do anything right for you.

Tip #6 – When you’re dating an over 50’s man, don’t place demands on how he must be or what he has to do in order to date you.

Men tell me again and again how much they dislike profiles of women who demand nothing less than the best restaurant or a certain salary to date them.

Men have had enough demands put on them at work and from their exes.

The last thing they want to do is meet yours before you’ve even met.

Tip #7 – Don’t try and remodel a man by making him your pet project.

Either accept him for who he is or let him go and move on.

Tip #8 – A lot of men over 50 are pretty insecure when it comes to asking you out.

Having been rejected time and time again by so many women, they aren’t too quick about putting themselves back in a vulnerable position unless it feels safe to do so.

If you like a man, encourage him with eye contact, a warm smile, or a flirt online to let him know you’re interested.

Remember, men weren’t given a Dating Rulebook with their divorce papers either.

So be kind to them and understand that as scared as you feel about dating, most of them are too.

I love helping women attract, meet and keep a good man after 50!

It makes me so happy to get letters like these from Aly and Leigh.

Lisa, I met a really great guy. He’s thoughtful and smart and tells me he loves that he can talk with me about everything. He said he’s a bit scared that he feels so comfortable so fast. He’s a great guy and I’m having fun. My Quality Man Template you had me write told the universe precisely what I wanted and bam! He appeared. You were so incredibly helpful, Lisa. Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it! Aly

Lisa…had another amazing evening with Jim Saturday. We’ve been together now for 6 months. So enjoying our time together. And so grateful to you for showing me how to safely find love with such a wonderful man especially during this crazy time. None of this would have been possible without your coaching and your insights. Thank you so much! Leigh, Ohio

Hey . . .if you’re ready for love with a good man, then click here and tell me a little bit about what’s been happening in your love life.

If I feel I can help you, I’ll send you a link to my calendar so we can set up a complimentary session to talk about what you want to do to get on track for finding the best man for you.

Believing in you!

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

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