5 Tips To Improve Your Online Dating Game


Guest post by Emily Clark

girl at computer thinking of loveIf you are a single woman over the age of 50, the common perception is that there is no hope left for you, since people generally believe that the middle-aged dating pool is restricted to weird old men looking for love on webcam chat sites.

The only way to get back into the dating scene is to abandon this negative mindset and adopt an optimistic approach! The great thing about online dating is that it opens up a world of possibilities and literally connects you to any corner of the world, so if you want to give online dating a try, here are a few tips to get you started!


Post a few recent pictures of yourself on your profile.

This is probably one of the most important aspects of online dating, since the photo is the first thing a user notices on your profile. A lot of online dating users tend to put younger photos of themselves online, but in reality users do not appreciate this, as they feel deceived when they see your real age in person. Honesty builds the foundation of a relationship, therefore we would advise you to upload recent photos of yourself on your profile, preferably professional ones that show off your best side. It is also important to upload multiple photos, since this helps convince users that your profile is authentic and not a scammer’s fake profile.


Write an adequate amount of details on your online dating profile.

Filling in an online dating profile is a tricky business – you don’t want to provide brief one word descriptions, but at the same time you don’t want to write lengthy essays about your life story. When it comes to creating a perfect online dating profile, we recommend users to write 2-3 sentences for each section, so that you provide enough insight into your personality but it leaves a sense of mystery as well.


Brush up on your technology skills.

It is kind of a stereotype to assume that women over 50 don’t know how to use the internet, but it doesn’t hurt asking for help from a younger tech savvy person. Most online dating sites are fairly simple to use, but it is better to ask a younger person to give you a crash course on the basics of the internet in order to smooth out your online dating process. After all, you don’t want a technical glitch to stop you on your journey in finding love!


Avoid getting overwhelmed by the online dating scene.

If you are a newcomer to the online dating scene, the large number of profiles can get a little overwhelming at first. You may feel obliged to reply every single message even if it just says “hello”, but in reality users do not reply to every single message unless they have a lot of free time on their hands. To avoid letting the pressure get to you, simply pick a few of the profiles you are interested in and continue the conversation. Even if you don’t feel particularly interested in these profiles, you may feel a spark when you start talking to them!


Broaden your horizons on date ideas.

Your version of a perfect date may just be dinner and a movie, but online dating is a time to try out new ideas and opportunities! So if your date suggests an alternative first date idea, such as rock climbing or a walk in the park, be open to a new idea and accept the first date. It may not seem like your cup of tea at first, but online dating is a time to get out of your comfort zone and stock up on life experiences! But for safety reasons, we always recommend users to meet in a public place on a first date, since weird or creepy people can exist online and offline!

Emily Clark is a young professional writer specializing in Dating and Relationships. Due to her academic background in Sociology, she has developed an interest in exploring the different types of relationships that exist in modern society. As a full-time web editor in her day job, she keeps up to date with news on dating and relationships.


Do you have any other online dating tips to share?


Until next time~

Believing in You!


P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are four ways I can help you find love after 50

#1: Get a copy of my book The Winning Dating Formula on Amazon

Where I will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the exact tools and strategies you need for attracting the right man into your life — Click here

#2: Join the Finding Love after 50 Facebook group

It’s our Facebook community where you can connect with me and a community of women ready to support you on your journey for finding love after 50 — Click here

#3: Work with me 1-on-1 or in my Group Program

I would love to learn more about your dating journey, understand where you might be stuck, and give you a personalized step-by-step blueprint to attract the right man. And maybe even talk about how we can work together.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can help, you can Click here to answer a few quick questions and schedule a call.

#4: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Click here to explore my YouTube channel for valuable tips on dating and relationships after 50! Discover insights that will empower you to attract the right partner with confidence.

Copyright© 2025 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

1 Comment
  1. 1. Proactively troll the site; if there’s no one that appeals to you in your region, move on to another. Some sites will be unsuitable for you, don’t waste money on these.
    2. Be on a mixture of freebie and paid sites. Keep in mind that the freebies will have a greater percentage of creepazoids, marrieds, and flakes because there is no financial investment.
    3. You will get a good many guys that are totally unsuitable. Why? They’re looking at your photos and ignoring the profile completely.
    4. If you meet someone and it feels off, it is. Don’t overanalyze, just listen to your gut.
    5. Still meet men IRL. Some of us women, particularly us highly educated babes will not find an equal or close to it on line. It is what it is. Use on line to sharpen your social skills for IRL.
    6. Don’t take it seriously; most men you encounter won’t be suitable and that’s OK.
    7. If a man doesn’t want to meet right away, move on. On line isn’t for pen pals. If they’re taking their time; it’s generally because they’re hiding something such as 50 extra pounds, major health/emotional issues, or a wife. Email a few times, talk on the phone once (to check on the creepazoid factor) then meet.
    8. Be yourself. If he doesn’t like that, better to find out now.
    9. For us rural chix; be cautious about on liners from your small town. Find out about them through friends, acquaintances first before even contacting them. In a small town, its too easy to find out where you work and live; you don’t want a problem on your doorstep.
    10. Rural chix; when he says he wants someone who lives within a certain radius of his urban metastasis, he means it. Move on.
    11. Read the fine print of the subscription form carefully; it is really hard to get out of some of the paid sites. eHarmony is one of the worst. After first trying to mate me off to uneducated, out of shape men in the nearest city even though the three hundred questions I answered makes it clear I am a PhD and athlete and looking for someone similar, now they’re trying to mate me off unsuitable men in British Columbia waay beyond my 150 mile specified area. I am paying for this privilege until April. As they are clearly geographically challenged, I sent them a map with clear instructions. Remember, while you might find someone on line, the site is there not to ensure your happiness, but to make a profit and it will get as much out of you as is possible. Capitalism at work.
    12. Know what it is you are looking for BEFORE going on line. We’re older, we know by this time what works and what doesnt. Kids/no kids, pets/no pets, casual/serious/marriage. You cannot change others, if their goals differ, move on. Stick to your guns.

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