Evidently I lack self love. I am twice widowed and now dating man who treats me like I’m a princess, wants to take care of me. Is gentle and kind. I want to love him and be with him but something is lacking. He says I have to love myself before I can love somebody else. I guess he’s pretty smart. I have never thought of myself as not loving myself. So, how do I fix this?
March 19, 2018 at 9:59 am
Hi Jackie…I remember a time when my own self confidence was lacking and it blocked me from getting the love I wanted with a man. I was blessed to have a coach come into my life who helped me rediscover me and how lovable I really am. That totally turned my life and love life around. Today, I help women overcome exactly what I went through from feeling less than to an inner knowing that I’m amazing and worth whatever my dreams are. If you feel like talking with me one on one would be helpful, please reach out to me at Lisa@findaqualityman.com and we’ll find a way to connect. Lots of hugs~
March 7, 2018 at 9:56 pm
Alison Campbell
Hi, really need some help with this. I have no children, in my 50’s, and the thing I struggle with is what is reasonable to expect from a man in terms of him wanting to share his resources with me, take care of me, however you want to define it when a man is in love with you, if he has children? What does this look like if we get married? I see NO advice on this topic (money and estate matters when one person has no children and the other does) and how to navigate it. Is it reasonable to expect that if we were married I would inherit part of his estate? Please don’t think I’m a gold digger; I’m not, but these are real world, practical issues! Help! Thank you.
March 15, 2018 at 2:17 pm
I’m sorry Alison. This is not an area that I’ve had enough experience in. You might want to speak with a financial planner who could guide you better in this. Hugs~
March 15, 2018 at 10:20 pm
Jackie schwartz
Evidently I lack self love. I am twice widowed and now dating man who treats me like I’m a princess, wants to take care of me. Is gentle and kind. I want to love him and be with him but something is lacking. He says I have to love myself before I can love somebody else. I guess he’s pretty smart. I have never thought of myself as not loving myself. So, how do I fix this?
March 19, 2018 at 9:59 am
Hi Jackie…I remember a time when my own self confidence was lacking and it blocked me from getting the love I wanted with a man. I was blessed to have a coach come into my life who helped me rediscover me and how lovable I really am. That totally turned my life and love life around. Today, I help women overcome exactly what I went through from feeling less than to an inner knowing that I’m amazing and worth whatever my dreams are. If you feel like talking with me one on one would be helpful, please reach out to me at Lisa@findaqualityman.com and we’ll find a way to connect. Lots of hugs~
March 7, 2018 at 9:56 pm
Alison Campbell
Hi, really need some help with this. I have no children, in my 50’s, and the thing I struggle with is what is reasonable to expect from a man in terms of him wanting to share his resources with me, take care of me, however you want to define it when a man is in love with you, if he has children? What does this look like if we get married? I see NO advice on this topic (money and estate matters when one person has no children and the other does) and how to navigate it. Is it reasonable to expect that if we were married I would inherit part of his estate? Please don’t think I’m a gold digger; I’m not, but these are real world, practical issues! Help! Thank you.
March 15, 2018 at 2:17 pm
I’m sorry Alison. This is not an area that I’ve had enough experience in. You might want to speak with a financial planner who could guide you better in this. Hugs~